Archive - Page 11

24th December 2019

Anvil Advent Calendar Roundup

The last door of the Anvil Advent Calendar has opened! We built 24 web apps – one each day until Christmas – with nothing but Python.

Grab a mince pie, get cosy, and look through our final batch of festive web apps.

16th December 2019

Advent Calendar Roundup: Week 2

In the second week of the Anvil Advent Calendar, we’ve automated awkward family moments, seen the price of spice, and designed an interactive Christmas tree. And there’s still over a week to go!
8th December 2019

Advent Calendar Roundup: Week 1

We’re a week into the Anvil Advent Calendar, and already we’ve got an AI writing Christmas cards for us. Plus: wishlists, Secret Santas, and more.

What’s next? Sign up and find out!

1st December 2019

Announcing the Anvil Advent Calendar

We’re building a Python web app each day until Christmas. Join us on a festive Python adventure!
8th November 2019

Web development made simple

Ever wondered what it might be like to build, ship and deploy your web apps with nothing but Python?

You’ve come to the right place. Read on as we run you through Anvil’s key features, showing you what the platform is all about and what you can do with it.

30th October 2019

How Growing Vegetables Makes Me a Better Programmer

Mental health isn’t just absence of illness - you can also build up “mental fitness”. I do it in 100 square metres of government-subsidised mud.
7th October 2019

Web apps for sysadmins

As a systems administrator, you need to save time wherever you can.

You can use web apps to give your colleagues self-serve interfaces. They can run routine processes themselves, leaving you to do the hard stuff.

We show you how to build a self-serve web app with nothing but Python, in just 30 minutes.

30th September 2019

Full Interview: Anders Kalland, Platform Manager at RiksTV

TV is transforming, as streaming replaces traditional broadcasting.

Anders tells us how this caused a customer service crisis, and how he built the tool that solved it.

24th September 2019

Running Python in the Web Browser

There are many ways to run Python in the browser. At PyCon UK 2019, Shaun talked about six different approaches, showed how to use them, and compared their designs and tradeoffs.
9th September 2019

Announcing Scheduled Tasks

Anvil now lets you schedule Python tasks to run periodically in the cloud. It’s like cron, only much easier!
4th September 2019

How does digital broadcasting work?

Meredydd talks to Anders Kalland, who leads the internet broadcast team at Norway’s RiksTV network, and Anders tells us about the software he built to diagnose customer problems in real time.
14th August 2019

Timezone converter app

At Anvil we have a secret productivity weapon - Anvil itself!

I was sick of making timezone conversions in my head, so I built a timezone converter in 15 minutes.