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Pricing plans

It is free to use Anvil, even for commercial purposes. However, certain features are only unlocked for users of one of our paid plans. These include:

  • Removing the Anvil branding banner from your apps
  • Using your own domain name for your apps
  • Using scheduled tasks

You can also upgrade to higher plans for higher performance, to collaborate with multiple developers in an organisation, or even to deploy Anvil on-site within your organisation.

Regardless of your plan, all Anvil users are welcome to ask and answer questions on the Anvil community forum. For more information on our price plans, see our pricing page, or contact

Shared Hosting

Free, Hobby and Business plans all use fully shared hosting. All your traffic is handled by shared servers; your Server Modules run in the same place as everyone else’s; your Data Tables data lives in shared databases.

Below is a rough guide of the computational capacity of these paid plans:

  • The Free plan has performance suitable for one or two low throughput/bandwidth apps.
  • The Hobby plan has performance suitable for a few hobby projects or a single production app.
  • The Business plan is for business use by a 1+ developers. It has performance suitable for one or two production apps.

Extra Server Resources

For users who need extra control or privacy for their data, we offer Extra Server Resources as an optional add-on to the Business plan. We can host your Data Tables and Server Modules on a dedicated instance within Anvil’s hosting environment. This provides:

  • Increased performance
  • Improved isolation from other users
  • Direct SQL access to your data tables

With Extra Server Resources, your database and your server-side code runs on a server reserved exclusively for you, while still sharing the same cloud editor and serving infrastructure as other plans. This is great for high-traffic, high-performance applications, or for extra assurance that your apps are isolated from other users of the Anvil platform. It also offers you direct SQL access to your Data Tables.

If you would like to host an entirely isolated instance of Anvil, consider Anvil Enterprise. While Extra Server Resources use the same source code storage, load balancer and API servers as the Shared Hosting plans, an Anvil Enterprise instance is exclusively for one customer’s use, and entirely isolated from other users.

To add Extra Server Resources, the process is simple:

  • You select a server type from Amazon EC2. If you’re not sure, we can help you choose, and you can change your mind at any time.
  • We take care of setting up and managing the server for you - you just use Anvil normally.
  • We can optionally give you access to a file-space and a PostgreSQL database accessible by your server code.
  • The pricing is entirely transparent: you pay us for the Extra Server Resources, plus the cost of the underlying server and storage at Amazon’s prices.

If you are interested in adding Extra Server Resources, please email to get started. If you are instead interested in an on-site installation of Anvil on your own network, or on your own cloud servers, see Anvil for Enterprise.

Hosting Standalone Applications

This section is for hosting standalone applications only. If you are interested in a full on-site installation, including the Anvil editor, see Anvil for Enterprise.

Open-source App Server

Users who want to set up their own server to host their Anvil apps can use our open source Anvil Runtime Engine. This allows you to export Anvil apps and run them on any computer, without depending on our hosting platform. This option is available on all plans.

Enterprise App Server

The Enterprise App Server is the supported version of the Open-source App Server. It offers the ability to host your apps on any machine with no AGPL licence. It also includes extra features for scalability, such as integrated Backup and Restore and Multi-node Clustering.

If you’re interested or want more details, please get in touch by sending an email to

Volume licensing for IoT is available. If you’re interested in distributing the Enterprise App Server for IoT devices send us an email at

Anvil for Enterprise

If you are interested in our Enterprise Plan, please get in touch by sending an email to

Enterprise customers often need to keep their data within their own network, and this is a fully-supported deployment option. Customers who want to manage their own hosting can install Anvil on their own servers. This could be your own network, a private cloud, or an account in a public cloud. On-site installations provide the following benefits:

  • Protection for highly sensitive data that must remain within your network
  • On-site or private cloud (eg AWS) deployment
  • Direct SQL access to your data tables
  • Complete control over the server environment your apps run in
  • Isolation from other users, with dedicated hardware

We will help with the installation or perform it for you. In a typical installation, Anvil is three Docker containers and installing is usually as simple as running a single shell command (docker-compose up). We can also provide custom installation packages where Docker is not an option, or for integration with existing services.

Anvil does not need an Internet connection - you can even use it on a network completely airgapped from the Internet to give you an even greater guarantee of security.

Get in touch with us at to discuss further - we would be happy to talk you through the Enterprise deployment options and offer advice about your specific use-cases.

Support Plans

If you need additional help using Anvil, we also offer development support via mothly support plans. With a support plan, you’re guaranteed a one-working-day response to your question from an Anvil developer.

Support subscriptions are available to everyone, whichever Anvil plan you use. Please contact to discuss a support plan that is right for you.

Do you still have questions?

Our Community Forum is full of helpful information and Anvil experts.