Archive - Page 6

30th September 2021

Python for Client-side Web Development

A bite-sized introduction to writing client-side Python in Anvil.

This 2-minute blog post will show you how to write client-side Python to make a button interactive.

22nd of September 2021

An applicant tracking system with Trello's API

Learn how to build an applicant tracking system (ATS) using Anvil and Trello.

We’ll show you how to integrate Anvil with other apps using APIs and webhooks, send emails from an app and store sensitive data.

15th September 2021

Announcing the New Beta Editor

We’ve rebuilt the Anvil Editor with new version control and dev / staging / prod deployments, as well as a clean new look, tabbed editing and Dark Mode.

Anvil’s web app builder is now easier and more powerful than ever. Try it out today!

1st September 2021

Building a Web App User Interface with Python

A bite-sized introduction to building web app user interfaces with nothing but Python.
18th August 2021

Automate Asana with a Python web UI

Learn how to use Asana’s API to automate task management.
9th August 2021

Custom-Made Financial Tools for the Modern World

When you’re dealing with billions of dollars, small mistakes can have big consequences. Traditional tools for tracking, valuing and analyzing financial data rely heavily on Excel and manual operations. BasisPoint realised it was time for investment to enter the modern world.
2nd of August, 2021

Deploy a Google Colab Notebook with Docker

Once you’ve put a web front-end on your Google Colab notebook, you need to keep it running! In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to deploy our notebook on a private server.
20th July 2021

Why Python in the Browser Isn't Enough

“Finally,” we think, “we can cast off the dead weight of Javascript!” But that’s not how it turns out. In this post, I’ll talk about why it’s tempting, why it doesn’t work, and what to do instead.
6th of May, 2021

Integrate Mapbox into your Web App using only Python

Integrate beautiful and powerful maps into your Anvil app using Mapbox (and nothing but Python)!
27th April 2021

Learning to use Pillow through my love of crafting

In today’s blog post I combine two of my great loves: Python and cross-stitch. Now, nobody can stop me from making a gigantic cross stitch rendition of… well, whatever I want!
14th April 2021

Introducing the RichText component

This component allows you to flexibly format text, embed other components into it, or safely display dynamic HTML - all at once.
26th of March, 2021

Surviving Quarantine with a Slack Bot and Board Games

We built a Slack bot to beat the pandemic boredom by scheduling virtual board games with our co-workers! Learn how to use Anvil and Slack’s API to build an interactive app that collects interest, schedules games with your team, and announces victories.