Chapter 7:
Publish your app

That’s it! You’ve just built an interactive dashboard with Anvil. We’ve seen how to store a CSV dataset in our app’s Data Files, create a UI with the drag-and-drop designer and create interactive plots using pandas and Plotly.

The only thing left to do is to publish your app. Anvil takes care of deployment and hosting for you. All you need to do is click the Publish button at the top of the Anvil Editor, then select ‘Publish this app’. You can use the public URL provided or enter your own, or, if you want to share your app privately, you can switch to a private URL

Location of the Publish button at the top of the Anvil Editor

What next?

Head to the Anvil Learning Centre for more tutorials, or head to our examples page to see how to build some complex apps in Anvil.

Congratulations, you've completed this chapter!