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However you choose to deploy Anvil, there are some prerequisites you’ll need.

Domain Names

Anvil requires two domain names to operate:

  • A primary domain (equivalent to in our cloud environment). This is where your developers will access the Anvil development environment.
  • A wildcard app domain (equivalent to * in our cloud environment). This is where your Anvil Apps will be deployed - each app gets its own subdomain (equivalent to in our cloud environment).

Once you’ve chosen your domain names, you will need to be able to configure DNS records to point them to your deployment environment.

TLS Certificates

You will need certificates for your chosen domain names, or one certificate that covers both. If Anvil will only be accessible internally on your network, then certificates signed by your private CA will work just fine. Please make sure the certificates are available in PEM format.

If you can’t get certificates easily and you’re deploying in Kubernetes, you can start without them. The Anvil Operator will automatically generate self-signed certificates to get you going. Of course, you’ll want to generate real certificates for a full production deployment.

SMTP Credentials

Anvil requires the ability to send email. You’ll need credentials that are able to send email – if you need an external provider, we recommend AWS SES or Sendgrid.

Licence Key and Credentials

In order to run Anvil Enterprise, you will need a licence key and credentials for the Anvil Registry in order to pull the necessary container images. These will be shared with you by a member of the Anvil team during the installation process.

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