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Deploy in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the preferred deployment environment for Anvil Enterprise. A Kubernetes deployment provides maximum flexibility for scaling, as well as continuous backup and point-in-time restore out of the box. An Anvil cluster in Kubernetes can (but does not have to) include multiple server nodes to handle heavy load or to support high-availability with zero-downtime updates.

You don’t need to be a Kubernetes expert to deploy Anvil this way. See our K3s guide for a fully-supported deployment architecture suitable for easy installation on a physical or virtual machine by those with little or no prior knowledge of Kubernetes.

Kubernetes deployments of Anvil Enterprise are managed by the Anvil Operator.

In this section you will find guides for deployment on Azure AKS, AWS EKS, Google GKE and Red Hat OpenShift, but the Anvil Operator will work in any compliant Kubernetes environment.

When you’re ready, you can get started with your installation.

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