Using Data Grids for Tabular Data

A Data Grid is a built-in Anvil component that makes it easy to list data in tables, complete with multiple pages. This tutorial will show you how to use Data Grids by building an app to allow users to manage a list of favorite movies.

Screenshot of the final app
This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of data bindings, Data Tables, and server functions. If you are unfamiliar with data bindings, you might want to start with our data bindings tutorial.


In this tutorial, you'll:

Create the app and Data Table

We’ll first create a new app and configure a Data Table for storing data about our favorite movies

Display movies in a Data Grid

We’ll now add a Data Grid to our app and populate it with data from the Data Table.

Let users add movies to the Data Grid

We’ll now make it so users can add more movies to the Data Grid

Allow users to edit movie data

We can now modify our app so that uses can edit movies displayed in the Data Grid

Allow users to delete movies

We’ll now add the ability to delete movies from the database and Data Grid

Click the following link to clone the finished app and explore it yourself.