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plotly.graph_objs.surface.contours.x Module


plotly.graph_objs.surface.contours.x.Project([x=], [y=], [z=]) → Project

Create a new ‘Project’ object

  • x - Determines whether or not these contour lines are projected on the x plane. If `highlight` is set to *true* (the default), the projected lines are shown on hover. If `show` is set to *true*, the projected lines are shown in permanence.

  • y - Determines whether or not these contour lines are projected on the y plane. If `highlight` is set to *true* (the default), the projected lines are shown on hover. If `show` is set to *true*, the projected lines are shown in permanence.

  • z - Determines whether or not these contour lines are projected on the z plane. If `highlight` is set to *true* (the default), the projected lines are shown on hover. If `show` is set to *true*, the projected lines are shown in permanence.

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