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anvil.GoogleMap Module


AbstractOverlay (more info)

Create a new ‘AbstractOverlay’ object

Base class: anvil.Component


AbstractOverlay([clickable=], [draggable=], [visible=], [z_index=])

    AbstractOverlay Methods

    add_component(map_component) → anvil.Component instance

    Add a map component to this GoogleMap

      add_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

      Add an event handler function to be called when the event happens on this component. Event handlers will be called in the order they are added. Adding the same event handler multiple times will mean it gets called multiple times.

        fit_bounds(lat_lng_bounds, [padding])

        Sets the viewport to contain the given bounds. Adds some padding around the bounds by default - set padding to 0 to match the bounds exactly.

          get_bounds() → anvil.GoogleMap.LatLngBounds instance

          Returns the lat/lng bounds of the current viewport.

          pan_by(dx, dy)

          Changes the center of the map by the given distance in pixels.


            Changes the center of the map to the given LatLng position.

              pan_to_bounds(lat_lng_bounds, [padding])

              Pans the map by the minimum amount necessary to contain the given LatLngBounds. Adds some padding around the bounds by default - set padding to 0 to match the bounds exactly.

                remove_event_handler(event_name, [handler_func])

                Remove a specific event handler function for a given event. Calling remove_event_handler with just the event name will remove all the handlers for this event

                  set_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                  Set a function to call when the ’event_name’ event happens on this component. Using set_event_handler removes all other handlers. Setting the handler function to None removes all handlers.

                    AbstractOverlay Properties

                    clickable - boolean

                    True if this overlay raises mouse events.

                    draggable - boolean

                    True if this overlay can be dragged.


                    visible - boolean

                    True if this overlay should be displayed.

                    z_index - number

                    The z-index compared to other overlays.

                    AbstractOverlay Events


                    When the anvil.GoogleMap.AbstractOverlay is shown on the screen


                    When the anvil.GoogleMap.AbstractOverlay is removed from the screen


                    when an overlay is clicked.

                    • lat_lng - The position that was clicked.


                    when an overlay is double clicked.

                    • lat_lng - The position that was double-clicked.


                    while the user drags an overlay.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    when the user stops dragging an overlay.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    when the user starts dragging an overlay.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    for a mousedown on an overlay.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    when the mouse leaves the area of an overlay icon.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    when the mouse enters the area of an overlay icon.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    for a mouseup on an overlay.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    for a right-click on an overlay.

                    • lat_lng - The position of the cursor.


                    An object containing pre-defined animations for use with Markers.



                    Circle (more info)

                    Create a new ‘Circle’ object

                    Base class: anvil.GoogleMap.AbstractOverlay


                    Circle([center=], [radius=], [editable=], [stroke_color=], [stroke_opacity=], [stroke_weight=], [stroke_position=], [fill_color=], [fill_opacity=], [clickable=], [draggable=], [visible=], [z_index=])

                      Circle Methods

                      add_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                      Add an event handler function to be called when the event happens on this component. Event handlers will be called in the order they are added. Adding the same event handler multiple times will mean it gets called multiple times.

                        remove_event_handler(event_name, [handler_func])

                        Remove a specific event handler function for a given event. Calling remove_event_handler with just the event name will remove all the handlers for this event

                          set_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                          Set a function to call when the ’event_name’ event happens on this component. Using set_event_handler removes all other handlers. Setting the handler function to None removes all handlers.

                            Circle Properties

                            center - anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                            The center of the Circle.

                            editable - boolean

                            True if this overlay can be edited by the user.

                            fill_color - string

                            The color to draw the overlay outline.

                            fill_opacity - number

                            The opacity of the overlay outline.


                            radius - number

                            The radius of the Circle.

                            stroke_color - string

                            The color to draw the overlay outline.

                            stroke_opacity - number

                            The opacity of the overlay outline.

                            stroke_position - anvil.GoogleMap.StrokePosition

                            The stroke position. Defaults to CENTER.

                            stroke_weight - number

                            The weight of the overlay outline

                            Circle Events


                            When the center position of this circle changes, i.e. when it is moved.


                            When the radius of this circle changes, i.e. when it is resized.


                            An object containing pre-defined control positions.




                            Create a new Data object with the specified options. Not fully implemented.



                            Instance Methods

                            add([feature], geometry=, id=, properties=) → anvil.GoogleMap.Data.Feature instance

                            Adds a feature to the collection, and returns the added feature.

                              add_geo_json(geo_json, [id_property_name=id]) → list(anvil.GoogleMap.Data.Feature instance)

                              Adds GeoJSON features to the collection. Give this method a parsed JSON. The imported features are returned.

                                contains(feature) → boolean

                                Checks whether the given feature is in the collection.

                                  get_feature_by_id(id) → anvil.GoogleMap.Data.Feature instance

                                  Returns the feature with the given ID, if it exists in the collection.

                                    load_geo_json(url, [id_property_name=id])

                                    Loads GeoJSON from a URL, and adds the features to the collection.

                                      override_style(feature, clickable=, cursor=, draggable=, editable=, fillColor=, fillOpacity=, icon=, shape=, strokeColor=, strokeOpacity=, strokeWeight=, title=, visible=, zIndex=)

                                      Sets the style for all features in the collection. Styles specified on a per-feature basis via override_style() continue to apply.


                                        Removes a feature from the collection.


                                          Removes the effect of previous override_style() calls. The style of the given feature reverts to the style specified by set_style().

                                            to_geo_json() → string

                                            Exports the features in the collection to a GeoJSON object.

                                            Data Attributes

                                            control_position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                            The position of the drawing controls on the map.

                                            controls - list(string)

                                            Describes which drawing modes are available for the user to select, in the order they are displayed. Possible drawing modes are “Point”, “LineString” or “Polygon”.

                                            drawing_mode - string

                                            The current drawing mode of the given Data layer. Possible drawing modes are “Point”, “LineString” or “Polygon”.

                                            style - anvil.GoogleMap.Data.StyleOptions instance

                                            Style for all features in the collection. May be a styling function or a GoogleMap.Data.StyleOptions object.


                                            Construct new FullscreenControlOptions with the specified options.



                                              FullscreenControlOptions Attributes

                                              position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                              Position of the controls.


                                              Create a new ‘GeocoderAddressComponent’ object



                                              GeocoderAddressComponent Attributes

                                              long_name - string

                                              The full text of the address component

                                              short_name - string

                                              The abbreviated, short text of the given address component.

                                              types - list(string)

                                              An array of strings denoting the type of this address component.


                                              Create a new ‘GeocoderGeometry’ object



                                              GeocoderGeometry Attributes

                                              bounds - anvil.GoogleMap.LatLngBounds instance

                                              The precise bounds of this GeocoderResult, if applicable.

                                              location - anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                                              The latitude/longitude coordinates of this result.

                                              location_type - anvil.GoogleMap.GeocoderLocationType

                                              The type of location returned.

                                              viewport - anvil.GoogleMap.LatLngBounds instance

                                              The bounds of the recommended viewport for displaying this GeocoderResult.


                                              Describes the type of location returned from a geocode.




                                              Create a new ‘GeocoderResult’ object



                                              GeocoderResult Attributes

                                              address_components - list(anvil.GoogleMap.GeocoderAddressComponent instance)

                                              An array of GeocoderAddressComponents

                                              formatted_address - string

                                              A string containing the human-readable address of this location.

                                              geometry - anvil.GoogleMap.GeocoderGeometry instance

                                              A GeocoderGeometry object

                                              partial_match - boolean

                                              Whether the geocoder did not return an exact match for the original request, though it was able to match part of the requested address.

                                              place_id - string

                                              The place ID associated with the location. Place IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps.

                                              postcode_localities - list(string)

                                              An array of strings denoting all the localities contained in a postal code. This is only present when the result is a postal code that contains multiple localities.

                                              types - list(string)

                                              An array of strings denoting the type of the returned geocoded element.


                                              Construct an Icon with the specified options.


                                              Icon([anchor=], [label_origin=], [origin=], [scaled_size=], [size=], [url=])

                                                Icon Attributes

                                                anchor - anvil.GoogleMap.Point instance

                                                The position at which to anchor an image in correspondence to the location of the marker on the map. By default, the anchor is located along the center point of the bottom of the image.

                                                label_origin - anvil.GoogleMap.Point instance

                                                The origin of the label relative to the top-left corner of the icon image, if a label is supplied by the marker. By default, the origin is located in the center point of the image.

                                                origin - anvil.GoogleMap.Point instance

                                                The position of the image within a sprite, if any. By default, the origin is located at the top left corner of the image (0, 0).

                                                scaled_size - anvil.GoogleMap.Size instance

                                                The size of the entire image after scaling, if any. Use this property to stretch/shrink an image or a sprite.

                                                size - anvil.GoogleMap.Size instance

                                                The display size of the sprite or image. When using sprites, you must specify the sprite size. If the size is not provided, it will be set when the image loads.

                                                url - string

                                                The URL of the image or sprite sheet.


                                                Construct a new IconSequence with the specified options.


                                                IconSequence([icon=], [fixed_rotation=], [offset=], [repeat=])

                                                  IconSequence Attributes

                                                  fixed_rotation - boolean

                                                  If true, each icon in the sequence has the same fixed rotation regardless of the angle of the edge on which it lies. Defaults to false.

                                                  icon - anvil.GoogleMap.Symbol instance

                                                  The icon to render on the line.

                                                  offset - number

                                                  The distance from the start of the line at which an icon is to be rendered.

                                                  repeat - string

                                                  The distance between consecutive icons on the line.

                                                  InfoWindow (more info)

                                                  Create a new ‘InfoWindow’ object

                                                  Base class: anvil.Component


                                                  InfoWindow([content=], [disable_auto_pan=], [max_width=], [pixel_offset=], [position=], [z_index=])

                                                    InfoWindow Methods

                                                    add_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                    Add an event handler function to be called when the event happens on this component. Event handlers will be called in the order they are added. Adding the same event handler multiple times will mean it gets called multiple times.


                                                      Hide this InfoWindow. The user can also cause this to happen by clicking the close button in the top-right of the popup.

                                                        open(map, [anchor])

                                                        Display this InfoWindow on the specified map. If anchor is specified, the InfoWindow does not need to have its own position property set.

                                                          remove_event_handler(event_name, [handler_func])

                                                          Remove a specific event handler function for a given event. Calling remove_event_handler with just the event name will remove all the handlers for this event

                                                            set_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                            Set a function to call when the ’event_name’ event happens on this component. Using set_event_handler removes all other handlers. Setting the handler function to None removes all handlers.

                                                              InfoWindow Properties

                                                              content - anvil.Component instance

                                                              Content to display in the InfoWindow. Can be a string or an Anvil Component

                                                              disable_auto_pan - boolean

                                                              Disable auto-pan on open.

                                                              max_width - number

                                                              Maximum width of the infowindow, regardless of content’s width.


                                                              pixel_offset - anvil.GoogleMap.Size instance

                                                              The offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info window from the point on the map at whose geographical coordinates the info window is anchored.

                                                              position - anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                                                              The LatLng at which to display this InfoWindow. Not required if this popup is anchored to a component

                                                              z_index - number

                                                              All InfoWindows are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex, with higher values displaying in front of InfoWindows with lower values.

                                                              InfoWindow Events


                                                              When the anvil.GoogleMap.InfoWindow is shown on the screen


                                                              When the anvil.GoogleMap.InfoWindow is removed from the screen


                                                              Create a new LatLng object at the specified latitude and longitude.


                                                              LatLng(lat, lng)

                                                                Instance Methods

                                                                lat() → number

                                                                Returns the latitude in degrees.

                                                                  lng() → number

                                                                  Returns the longitude in degrees.


                                                                    Create a new LatLngBounds object with the specified corners.


                                                                    LatLngBounds(south_west, north_east)

                                                                      Instance Methods

                                                                      contains(point) → boolean

                                                                      Returns True if the given lat/lng is in this bounds.

                                                                        equals(other) → boolean

                                                                        Returns True if this bounds approximately equals the given bounds.


                                                                          Extends this bounds to contain the given point.

                                                                            get_center() → anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                                                                            Computes the center of this LatLngBounds

                                                                              get_north_east() → anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                                                                              Returns the north-east corner of this bounds.

                                                                                get_south_west() → anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                                                                                Returns the south-west corner of this bounds.

                                                                                  intersects(other) → boolean

                                                                                  Returns True if this bounds shares any points with the other bounds.

                                                                                    is_empty() → boolean

                                                                                    Returns True if the bounds are empty.

                                                                                      to_json() → string

                                                                                      Converts to JSON representation.

                                                                                        to_span() → anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                                                                                        Converts the given map bounds to a lat/lng span.

                                                                                          to_url_value(precision=6) → string

                                                                                          Returns a string of the form ’lat_lo,lng_lo,lat_hi,lng_hi’ for this bounds.

                                                                                            union(other) → anvil.GoogleMap.LatLngBounds instance

                                                                                            Extends this bounds to contain the union of this and the given bounds.


                                                                                              Construct a LatLngBoundsLiteral with the specified edges.


                                                                                              LatLngBoundsLiteral([north=], [east=], [south=], [west=])

                                                                                                LatLngBoundsLiteral Attributes

                                                                                                east - number

                                                                                                The longitude of the east edge of the bounds, in degrees.

                                                                                                north - number

                                                                                                The latitude of the north edge of the bounds, in degrees.

                                                                                                south - number

                                                                                                The latitude of the south edge of the bounds, in degrees.

                                                                                                west - number

                                                                                                The longitude of the west edge of the bounds, in degrees.


                                                                                                Create a new LatLngLiteral object at the specified latitude and longitude.


                                                                                                LatLngLiteral([lat=], [lng=])

                                                                                                  LatLngLiteral Attributes

                                                                                                  lat - number

                                                                                                  The latitude in degrees.

                                                                                                  lng - number

                                                                                                  The longitude in degrees.


                                                                                                  Construct new MapTypeControlOptions with the specified options.


                                                                                                  MapTypeControlOptions([position=], [style=], [map_type_ids=])

                                                                                                    MapTypeControlOptions Attributes

                                                                                                    map_type_ids - list(string)

                                                                                                    IDs of map types to show in the control.

                                                                                                    position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                                                                                    Position of the controls.

                                                                                                    style - anvil.GoogleMap.MapTypeControlStyle

                                                                                                    Used to select what style of map type control to display.


                                                                                                    An object containing pre-defined control styles.




                                                                                                    An object containing pre-defined map types.



                                                                                                    Marker (more info)

                                                                                                    Create a new ‘Marker’ object

                                                                                                    Base class: anvil.GoogleMap.AbstractOverlay


                                                                                                    Marker([animation=], [position=], [icon=], [label=], [title=], [cursor=], [opacity=], [clickable=], [draggable=], [visible=], [z_index=])

                                                                                                      Marker Methods

                                                                                                      add_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                      Add an event handler function to be called when the event happens on this component. Event handlers will be called in the order they are added. Adding the same event handler multiple times will mean it gets called multiple times.

                                                                                                        remove_event_handler(event_name, [handler_func])

                                                                                                        Remove a specific event handler function for a given event. Calling remove_event_handler with just the event name will remove all the handlers for this event

                                                                                                          set_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                          Set a function to call when the ’event_name’ event happens on this component. Using set_event_handler removes all other handlers. Setting the handler function to None removes all handlers.

                                                                                                            Marker Properties

                                                                                                            animation - anvil.GoogleMap.Animation

                                                                                                            The animation of this Marker.

                                                                                                            cursor - string

                                                                                                            The cursor to display over this Marker.

                                                                                                            icon - anvil.GoogleMap.Symbol instance

                                                                                                            The icon to display at the position of this Marker.

                                                                                                            label - anvil.GoogleMap.MarkerLabel instance

                                                                                                            The label to display on this Marker.

                                                                                                            opacity - number

                                                                                                            The opacity of this Marker.


                                                                                                            position - anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance

                                                                                                            The LatLng position of this Marker

                                                                                                            title - string

                                                                                                            The tooltip text for this Marker.

                                                                                                            Marker Events


                                                                                                            When the animation of this Marker changes.


                                                                                                            When the 'clickable' property of this Marker changes.


                                                                                                            When the 'cursor' property of this Marker changes.


                                                                                                            When the 'draggable' property of this Marker changes.


                                                                                                            When the 'icon' property of this Marker changes.


                                                                                                            When the position of this Marker changes, i.e. when it is moved.


                                                                                                            When the 'shape' property of this Marker changes, i.e. when it is moved.


                                                                                                            When the 'title' property of this Marker changes, i.e. when it is moved.


                                                                                                            When the 'visible' property of this Marker changes, i.e. when it is moved.


                                                                                                            When the 'z_index' property of this Marker changes, i.e. when it is moved.


                                                                                                            Construct a new MarkerLabel with the specified options.


                                                                                                            MarkerLabel([color=], [font_family=], [font_size=], [font_weight=], [text=])

                                                                                                              MarkerLabel Attributes

                                                                                                              color - string

                                                                                                              The color of the label text. Default color is black.

                                                                                                              font_family - string

                                                                                                              The font family of the label text.

                                                                                                              font_size - string

                                                                                                              The font size of the label text.

                                                                                                              font_weight - string

                                                                                                              The font weight of the label text.

                                                                                                              text - string

                                                                                                              The text to be displayed in the label.


                                                                                                              Construct new MotionTrackingControlOptions with the specified options.



                                                                                                                MotionTrackingControlOptions Attributes

                                                                                                                position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                                                                                                Position of the controls.


                                                                                                                Create a new Point at the specified coordinates.


                                                                                                                Point(x, y)

                                                                                                                  Polygon (more info)

                                                                                                                  Create a new ‘Polygon’ object

                                                                                                                  Base class: anvil.GoogleMap.AbstractOverlay


                                                                                                                  Polygon([path=], [geodesic=], [editable=], [stroke_color=], [stroke_opacity=], [stroke_weight=], [stroke_position=], [fill_color=], [fill_opacity=], [clickable=], [draggable=], [visible=], [z_index=])

                                                                                                                    Polygon Methods

                                                                                                                    add_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                                    Add an event handler function to be called when the event happens on this component. Event handlers will be called in the order they are added. Adding the same event handler multiple times will mean it gets called multiple times.

                                                                                                                      remove_event_handler(event_name, [handler_func])

                                                                                                                      Remove a specific event handler function for a given event. Calling remove_event_handler with just the event name will remove all the handlers for this event

                                                                                                                        set_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                                        Set a function to call when the ’event_name’ event happens on this component. Using set_event_handler removes all other handlers. Setting the handler function to None removes all handlers.

                                                                                                                          Polygon Properties

                                                                                                                          editable - boolean

                                                                                                                          True if this overlay can be edited by the user.

                                                                                                                          fill_color - string

                                                                                                                          The color to draw the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                          fill_opacity - number

                                                                                                                          The opacity of the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                          geodesic - boolean

                                                                                                                          When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of the Earth.


                                                                                                                          path - list(anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance)

                                                                                                                          The ordered sequence of LatLng coordinates of the Polygon.

                                                                                                                          stroke_color - string

                                                                                                                          The color to draw the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                          stroke_opacity - number

                                                                                                                          The opacity of the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                          stroke_position - anvil.GoogleMap.StrokePosition

                                                                                                                          The stroke position. Defaults to CENTER.

                                                                                                                          stroke_weight - number

                                                                                                                          The weight of the overlay outline

                                                                                                                          Polyline (more info)

                                                                                                                          Create a new ‘Polyline’ object

                                                                                                                          Base class: anvil.GoogleMap.AbstractOverlay


                                                                                                                          Polyline([icons=], [path=], [geodesic=], [editable=], [stroke_color=], [stroke_opacity=], [stroke_weight=], [clickable=], [draggable=], [visible=], [z_index=])

                                                                                                                            Polyline Methods

                                                                                                                            add_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                                            Add an event handler function to be called when the event happens on this component. Event handlers will be called in the order they are added. Adding the same event handler multiple times will mean it gets called multiple times.

                                                                                                                              remove_event_handler(event_name, [handler_func])

                                                                                                                              Remove a specific event handler function for a given event. Calling remove_event_handler with just the event name will remove all the handlers for this event

                                                                                                                                set_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                                                Set a function to call when the ’event_name’ event happens on this component. Using set_event_handler removes all other handlers. Setting the handler function to None removes all handlers.

                                                                                                                                  Polyline Properties

                                                                                                                                  editable - boolean

                                                                                                                                  True if this overlay can be edited by the user.

                                                                                                                                  geodesic - boolean

                                                                                                                                  When true, edges of the polygon are interpreted as geodesic and will follow the curvature of the Earth.


                                                                                                                                  The icons to be rendered along the polyline.


                                                                                                                                  path - list(anvil.GoogleMap.LatLng instance)

                                                                                                                                  The ordered sequence of LatLng coordinates of the Polyline.

                                                                                                                                  stroke_color - string

                                                                                                                                  The color to draw the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                                  stroke_opacity - number

                                                                                                                                  The opacity of the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                                  stroke_weight - number

                                                                                                                                  The weight of the overlay outline

                                                                                                                                  Rectangle (more info)

                                                                                                                                  Create a new ‘Rectangle’ object

                                                                                                                                  Base class: anvil.GoogleMap.AbstractOverlay


                                                                                                                                  Rectangle([bounds=], [editable=], [stroke_color=], [stroke_opacity=], [stroke_weight=], [stroke_position=], [fill_color=], [fill_opacity=], [clickable=], [draggable=], [visible=], [z_index=])

                                                                                                                                    Rectangle Methods

                                                                                                                                    add_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                                                    Add an event handler function to be called when the event happens on this component. Event handlers will be called in the order they are added. Adding the same event handler multiple times will mean it gets called multiple times.

                                                                                                                                      remove_event_handler(event_name, [handler_func])

                                                                                                                                      Remove a specific event handler function for a given event. Calling remove_event_handler with just the event name will remove all the handlers for this event

                                                                                                                                        set_event_handler(event_name, handler_func)

                                                                                                                                        Set a function to call when the ’event_name’ event happens on this component. Using set_event_handler removes all other handlers. Setting the handler function to None removes all handlers.

                                                                                                                                          Rectangle Properties

                                                                                                                                          bounds - anvil.GoogleMap.LatLngBounds instance

                                                                                                                                          The bounds of the Rectangle.

                                                                                                                                          editable - boolean

                                                                                                                                          True if this overlay can be edited by the user.

                                                                                                                                          fill_color - string

                                                                                                                                          The color to draw the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                                          fill_opacity - number

                                                                                                                                          The opacity of the overlay outline.


                                                                                                                                          stroke_color - string

                                                                                                                                          The color to draw the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                                          stroke_opacity - number

                                                                                                                                          The opacity of the overlay outline.

                                                                                                                                          stroke_position - anvil.GoogleMap.StrokePosition

                                                                                                                                          The stroke position. Defaults to CENTER.

                                                                                                                                          stroke_weight - number

                                                                                                                                          The weight of the overlay outline

                                                                                                                                          Rectangle Events


                                                                                                                                          When the bounds of this rectangle change, i.e. when it is moved or resized.


                                                                                                                                          Construct new RotateControlOptions with the specified options.



                                                                                                                                            RotateControlOptions Attributes

                                                                                                                                            position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                                                                                                                            Position of the controls.


                                                                                                                                            Construct new ScaleControlOptions with the specified options.



                                                                                                                                              ScaleControlOptions Attributes

                                                                                                                                              position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                                                                                                                              Position of the controls.


                                                                                                                                              Create a new Size at the specified coordinates.


                                                                                                                                              Size(x, y)


                                                                                                                                                Construct new StreetViewControlOptions with the specified options.



                                                                                                                                                  StreetViewControlOptions Attributes

                                                                                                                                                  position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                                                                                                                                  Position of the controls.


                                                                                                                                                  An object containing pre-defined stroke positions for shape outlines.




                                                                                                                                                  Construct a Symbol with the specified options.


                                                                                                                                                  Symbol([anchor=], [fill_color=], [fill_opacity=], [label_origin=], [path=], [rotation=], [scale=], [strokeColor=], [strokeOpacity=], [strokeWeight=])

                                                                                                                                                    Symbol Attributes

                                                                                                                                                    anchor - anvil.GoogleMap.Point instance

                                                                                                                                                    The position of the symbol relative to the marker or polyline.

                                                                                                                                                    fill_color - string

                                                                                                                                                    The fill color of this symbol.

                                                                                                                                                    fill_opacity - number

                                                                                                                                                    The fill opacity of this symbol. Defaults to 0.

                                                                                                                                                    label_origin - anvil.GoogleMap.Point instance

                                                                                                                                                    The origin of the label relative to the origin of the path, if label is supplied by the marker.

                                                                                                                                                    path - anvil.GoogleMap.SymbolPath

                                                                                                                                                    The symbol’s path, which is a built-in symbol path, or a custom path expressed using SVG path notation.

                                                                                                                                                    rotation - number

                                                                                                                                                    The angle by which to rotate the symbol, expressed clockwise in degrees.

                                                                                                                                                    scale - number

                                                                                                                                                    The amount by which the symbol is scaled in size.

                                                                                                                                                    strokecolor - string

                                                                                                                                                    The symbol’s stroke color.

                                                                                                                                                    strokeopacity - number

                                                                                                                                                    The symbol’s stroke opacity.

                                                                                                                                                    strokeweight - number

                                                                                                                                                    The symbol’s stroke weight.


                                                                                                                                                    An object containing pre-defined symbol paths for use on maps.




                                                                                                                                                    Construct new ZoomControlOptions with the specified options.



                                                                                                                                                      ZoomControlOptions Attributes

                                                                                                                                                      position - anvil.GoogleMap.ControlPosition

                                                                                                                                                      Position of the controls.

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