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anvil.users Module



Create a new ‘AccountIsNotEnabled’ object




Create a new ‘AuthenticationFailed’ object




Create a new ‘EmailNotConfirmed’ object




Create a new ‘MFAException’ object




Create a new ‘MFARequired’ object




Create a new ‘PasswordNotAcceptable’ object




Create a new ‘PasswordResetRequested’ object




Create a new ‘TooManyPasswordFailures’ object




Create a new ‘UserExists’ object





Display a form allowing the current user to reset their password.


    Display a form allowing the current user to configure their account. The form contains links for password reset and two-factor authentication configuration.

    force_login(user_row, [remember=False])

    Set the specified user object (a row from a Data Table) as the current logged-in user. It must be a row from the users table. By default, login status is not remembered between sessions.


      Get the row from the users table that corresponds to the currently logged-in user. If allow_remembered is true (the default), the user may have logged in in a previous session. Returns None if no user is logged in.

        login_with_email(email, password, [remember=False])

        Log in with the specified email address and password. Raises anvil.users.AuthenticationFailed exception if the login failed.

        By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.

          login_with_facebook([additional_scopes], [remember=False])

          Log in with a Facebook account. Prompts the user to authenticate with Facebook, then logs in with their Facebook email address (if that user exists). Returns None if the login was cancelled or we have no record of this user.

          additional_scopes: If supplied, these are passed on to anvil.facebook.auth.login().

          By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.

            login_with_form([show_signup_option=True], [remember_by_default=True], [allow_remembered=True], [allow_cancel=False])

            Display a login form and allow user to log in. Returns user object if logged in, or None if cancelled.

            show_signup_option: if True, the form will also show the option to sign up for a new account.

            remember_by_default: if True, the ‘remember me’ checkbox will be enabled by default.

            allow_remembered: if False, users with remembered login status will still be required to log in.

            allow_cancel: if True, the login form has a Cancel button that the user can use to dismiss the form.

              login_with_google([additional_scopes], [remember=False])

              Log in with a Google account. Prompts the user to authenticate with Google, then logs in with their Google email address (if that user exists). Returns None if the login was cancelled or we have no record of this user.

              additional_scopes: If supplied, these are passed on to

              By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.

                login_with_microsoft([additional_scopes], [remember=False])

                Log in with a Microsoft account. Prompts the user to authenticate with Microsoft, then logs in with their Microsoft email address (if that user exists). Returns None if the login was cancelled or we have no record of this user.

                additional_scopes: If supplied, these are passed on to

                By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.


                  Log in via a SAML Identity Provider. Prompts the user to authenticate with SAML, then logs in with their email address (if that user exists). Returns None if the login was cancelled or we have no record of this user.

                  By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.


                    Forget the current logged-in user.

                    If invalidate_client_objects is true, all live objects (table rows, Capabilities, unfetched Media, etc) will be invalidated

                      reset_password(old_password, new_password)

                      Reset the password for the current user


                        Send a two-factor authentication reset email to the specified user.


                          Send a password-reset email to the specified user


                            Send a login link email to the specified user

                              signup_with_email(email, password, [remember=False])

                              Sign up for a new account with the specified email address and password. Raises anvil.users.UserExists if an account is already registered with this email address.

                              By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.

                                signup_with_facebook([additional_scopes], [remember=False])

                                Sign up for a new account with the email address associated with the user’s Facebook account. Prompts the user to authenticate with Facebook, then registers a new user with that email address. Raises anvil.users.UserExists if this email address is already registered; returns new user or None if cancelled.

                                additional_scopes: If supplied, these are passed on to anvil.facebook.auth.login().

                                By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.

                                  signup_with_form([remember_by_default=True], [allow_cancel=False])

                                  Display a sign-up form allowing a user to create a new account. Returns the new user object, or None if cancelled.

                                  remember_by_default: if True, the ‘remember me’ checkbox will be enabled by default.

                                  allow_cancel: if True, the signup form has a Cancel button that the user can use to dismiss the form.

                                    signup_with_google([additional_scopes], [remember=False])

                                    Sign up for a new account with the email address associated with the user’s Google account. Prompts the user to authenticate with Google, then registers a new user with that email address. Raises anvil.users.UserExists if this email address is already registered; returns new user or None if cancelled.

                                    additional_scopes: If supplied, these are passed on to

                                    By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.

                                      signup_with_microsoft([additional_scopes], [remember=False])

                                      Sign up for a new account with the email address associated with the user’s Microsoft account. Prompts the user to authenticate with Microsoft, then registers a new user with that email address. Raises anvil.users.UserExists if this email address is already registered; returns new user or None if cancelled.

                                      additional_scopes: If supplied, these are passed on to

                                      By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.


                                        Sign up for a new account with the email address associated with the user’s SAML account. Prompts the user to authenticate via SAML, then registers a new user with that email address. Raises anvil.users.UserExists if this email address is already registered; returns new user or None if cancelled.

                                        By default, login status is not remembered between sessions; set remember=True to remember login status.

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                                          Our Community Forum is full of helpful information and Anvil experts.
