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Material 3 Layouts

The Anvil Material 3 theme comes with two predefined layouts, based on two different styles of Material 3 navigation regions.

The two predefined layouts:
NavigationDrawerLayout and NavigationRailLayout

The two predefined layouts:
NavigationDrawerLayout and NavigationRailLayout

Layouts have properties that allow for greater interaction. These can be set from the Form that’s using the layout – either from code or from the Properties Panel. For example, both layouts have an optional side sheet, which can be controlled by setting the show_sidesheet property to True or False.

  def m3_button_click(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the component is clicked."""
    self.layout.show_sidesheet = True
A Form with a side sheet

A Form with a side sheet

Properties | Events

The Navigation Rail Layout uses the Material 3 navigation rail. Navigation rails are meant for displaying a small number of app destinations (see the Material 3 usage guidelines for more information).

A Form using the Navigation Rail Layout

A Form using the Navigation Rail Layout

You can control the vertical alignment of the content of the navigation rail with the navigation_rail_vertical_align property.

self.layout.navigation_rail_vertical_align = "center"

On smaller screens, the navigation rail can be collapsed into a modal drawer or an app bar. This can be controlled with the navigation_rail_collapse_to property.

A Navigation Rail collapsed
into an App Bar on mobile

A Navigation Rail collapsed
into an App Bar on mobile

Visit the API documentation for more information about the Navigation Rail Layout.

Properties | Events

The Navigation Drawer Layout uses the Material 3 navigation drawer. Navigation drawers are best suited when you want to display a longer list of app destinations. They’re also useful when you want to convey navigation hierarchys and groupings (see the Material 3 usage guidelines for more information).

A Form using the Navigation Drawer Layout

A Form using the Navigation Drawer Layout

On smaller screens, the navigation drawer will always collapse into a modal drawer.

Navigation Drawers always
collapse into a modal drawer

Navigation Drawers always
collapse into a modal drawer

Visit the API documentation for more information about the Navigation Drawer Layout.

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