Anvil On Tour: Upcoming Events

We will be presenting at a bunch of development- and Python-related meetups over the next few months. Come and join us!

(Want us at your local meetup? Get in touch, wherever you are:


  • Nov 22nd: London, UK (London Python, pictured above)
    We had a great response at London Python, and a lot of interest afterwards. We’ve already been invited back!

  • Dec 4th: St Louis, MO, USA (STL Python)
    Stefano Menci will be leading a hands-on workshop in St Louis.

  • Jan 8th: Indianapolis, IN, USA (IndyPy)
    This is the Indianapolis pitch competition for PyCon Startup Row. Last year, we built the voting app for the competition, live on stage in London. This year, we’re giving a full-length talk.

  • Jan 10th: Frederick, MA, USA (Python Frederick)
    Meredydd Luff will be demonstrating Anvil, and talking about how it works under the hood.

  • Jan 17th: Manchester, UK (North West Python)
    Meredydd will be demonstrating Anvil, and talking about how it works under the hood.

  • Jan 29th: Sheffield, UK (Python Sheffield)
    Workshop time! Come and try Anvil yourself with friendly hands-on assistance.

  • Feb 21st: Oxford, UK (Oxford Python)
    Meredydd will be demonstrating Anvil, and talking about how it works under the hood.

  • May 3-5: Cleveland, OH, USA (PyCon)
    We’re already confirmed as sponsors for PyCon 2018 – find us in the exhibition hall, and meet up with other Anvil users.

Bring Anvil to your event

We’d love to present at your local Python, data science or development meetup – we do local or remote presentations all over the world. Drop us a line at

We can also offer help and materials if you’d like to lead an Anvil workshop yourself - just get in touch.

We hope to see you at an event soon!