Our Final Week of Festive Python Apps

It’s Christmas Eve, and we’ve opened the last door of the Anvil Advent Calendar. We have now revealed every one of our festive web apps!

As we hunker down for the strangest Christmas, we hope you and yours are happy and safe. Here are some of the festive apps we have seen this year:

Make Yourself an Ugly Little Jumper

With the magic of Pillow and a little maths, produce a Christmas sweater from any image you upload:

Make your own ugly Christmas jumper!

Advent Day 1: It wouldn't be Christmas without some spectacular jumpers. Get creative with our app that lets you put any image on a christmas jumper!

A Socially Distanced Christmas Tree

This year, our friends and family are further away than usual. So use a Raspberry Pi to let them control your Christmas lights, from anywhere in the world:

Socially Distanced Christmas Tree

Control your Christmas tree from a safe distance - from anywhere on the web, in fact! At the core of our Python-powered tree is a Raspberry Pi and an Energenie Pi-Mote...

Cracker Jokes as a Service

Can a web application make the jokes in your Christmas crackers any better? The answer might not surprise you…

Enough Bad Christmas Cracker Jokes!

Advent Calendar Day 15: Bad cracker jokes no more. Ensure your Christmas lunch is filled with laughter. Store your favourite jokes in advance this Chrstmas.

Generate Christmas Carols with AI

Neural networks writing carols. What could go wrong?

Christmas tree in a hand, oh Christmas tree. Santa’s coming to town. trees in hand, oh Christmas tree! And all over the place!

Generate Christmas Carols with GPT-2

There’s more! See the whole Advent Calendar:

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