List of Packages
Anvil’s ‘Full Python’ server environment options run an ordinary CPython interpreter, just like you would run on your own machine. There is a long list of packages already installed in the Full Python 3 server environment.
You can install any package you like in the Python 3.10 (Beta) server environment. Learn how to do it here.
Free Plan users can’t enable the Full Python interpreter. However, if you’re on a Free Plan, you can use the Python 3.10 (Beta) server environment and install packages yourself.
These are the Python packages that are currently installed on the Full Python 3 Runtime:
- 0x-contract-addresses - 3.0.0
- 0x-contract-artifacts - 3.0.0
- 0x-json-schemas - 2.1.0
- 0x-order-utils - 4.0.1
- APScheduler - 3.6.3
- AWSIoTPythonSDK - 1.4.9
- Arpeggio - 2.0.0
- Authlib - 0.15.5
- Automat - 20.2.0
- Babel - 2.9.1
- Boruta - 0.3
- CacheControl - 0.12.11
- Cartopy - 0.18.0
- ChatterBot - 1.0.8
- CherryPy - 18.8.0
- CoolProp - 6.4.1
- Cython - 0.29.32
- Deprecated - 1.2.13
- ExifRead - 2.3.2
- Fiona - 1.8.21
- Flask - 1.1.4
- GitPython - 3.1.27
- GoogleNews - 1.6.0
- ImageHash - 4.3.1
- Jinja2 - 2.11.3
- Keras-Preprocessing - 1.1.2
- Levenshtein - 0.20.5
- LunarCalendar - 0.0.9
- MIDIUtil - 1.2.1
- Mako - 1.2.3
- Markdown - 3.4.1
- MarkupSafe - 2.0.1
- MechanicalSoup - 1.1.0
- MeshPy - 2020.1
- MutatorMath - 3.0.1
- O365 - 2.0.6
- OSGridConverter - 0.1.3
- Office365-REST-Python-Client - 2.3.1
- PYroMat - 2.1.10
- Pattern - 3.6
- Pillow - 9.0.1
- Protego - 0.2.1
- PsychroLib - 2.5.0
- PuLP - 2.6.0
- PyAudio - 0.2.11
- PyCap - 1.1.3
- PyCronofy - 1.9.5
- PyDispatcher - 2.0.6
- PyDocX - 0.9.10
- PyGithub - 1.47
- PyHive - 0.6.5
- PyJWT - 2.4.0
- PyKCS11 - 1.5.11
- PyLD - 1.0.5
- PyLaTeX - 1.3.1
- PyMeeus - 0.5.11
- PyMeta3 - 0.5.1
- PyMySQL - 0.10.0
- PyNaCl - 1.1.2
- PyPDF2 - 1.28.4
- PyQRCode - 1.2.1
- PySocks - 1.7.1
- PyVimeo - 1.0.11
- PyWavelets - 1.3.0
- PyYAML - 5.4.1
- Pygments - 2.10.0
- Quandl - 3.3.0
- QuantLib - 1.21
- REFPROP-connector - 0.1.3
- Rosely - 0.0.2.post3
- Rx - 3.2.0
- SQLAlchemy - 1.3.24
- SQLAlchemy-Utils - 0.32.21
- Scrapy - 2.6.1
- SecretStorage - 3.3.3
- Shapely - 1.6.4.post2
- ShopifyAPI - 7.0.1
- SpeechRecognition - 3.8.1
- Twisted - 22.4.0
- TwitterSearch - 1.0.1
- URLObject - 2.4.3
- Unidecode - 1.3.6
- Wand - 0.6.10
- Webflowpy - 0.0.5
- Werkzeug - 2.0.2
- WooCommerce - 2.1.1
- XlsxWriter - 1.3.7
- abnf - 1.1.1
- absl-py - 1.2.0
- accumulation-tree - 0.6.2
- afdko - 3.6.1
- aiobotocore - 2.4.0
- aiodns - 3.0.0
- aiohttp - 3.8.1
- aiohttp-socks - 0.7.1
- aioitertools - 0.11.0
- aionotify - 0.2.0
- aiosignal - 1.2.0
- airtable-python-wrapper - 0.12.0
- alembic - 1.8.1
- altair - 4.1.0
- amazon-dax-client - 2.0.3
- analytics-python - 1.2.9
- antlr4-python3-runtime - 4.9.1
- anytree - 2.8.0
- appdirs - 1.4.4
- arabic-reshaper - 2.1.4
- argcomplete - 2.0.0
- arrow - 1.2.3
- asn1crypto - 0.24.0
- asteval - 0.9.27
- astral - 1.6.1
- asttokens - 2.0.5
- astunparse - 1.6.3
- async-timeout - 4.0.2
- asynctest - 0.13.0
- atomicwrites - 1.4.1
- attrs - 21.4.0
- autocommand - 2.2.1
- avinit - 1.2.2
- aws-lambda-builders - 1.4.0
- aws-requests-auth - 0.4.3
- aws-sam-cli - 1.26.0
- aws-sam-translator - 1.37.0
- awsSchema - 0.0.27
- awswrangler - 2.10.0
- azure-cognitiveservices-speech - 1.15.0
- azure-core - 1.25.1
- azure-cosmos - 4.2.0
- azure-storage-blob - 12.9.0
- b2sdk - 1.14.1
- backcall - 0.2.0
- backoff - 1.8.0
- backports.csv - 1.0.7
- backports.zoneinfo - 0.2.1
- backtrader -
- base58 - 2.1.1
- bbcode - 1.0.32
- bcrypt - 4.0.0
- beartype - 0.7.1
- beautifulsoup4 - 4.9.1
- bidict - 0.22.0
- bigml - 5.1.1
- bigml-chronos - 1.0.0
- biip - 0.5.2
- binaryornot - 0.4.4
- binpacking - 1.5.2
- biopython - 1.73
- bitarray - 1.2.2
- bjsfm - 0.2.4
- black - 21.11b1
- blis - 0.7.8
- bmondata - 1.0.6
- bokeh - 2.4.2
- booleanOperations - 0.9.0
- borb - 2.0.24
- boto - 2.43.0
- boto3 - 1.24.86
- botocore - 1.27.86
- boxsdk - 2.7.1
- branca - 0.5.0
- bs4 - 0.0.1
- bump2version - 1.0.1
- bumpversion - 0.6.0
- businesstimedelta - 1.0.1
- cached-property - 1.5.2
- cachetools - 5.2.0
- canvasapi - 0.15.0
- catalogue - 2.0.8
- cattrs - 1.1.2
- causal-tree-learn - 2.42
- cchardet - 2.1.7
- ccxt - 1.95.11
- certifi - 2022.9.24
- cffi - 1.15.1
- cffsubr - 0.2.9.post1
- chardet - 4.0.0
- charset-normalizer - 2.1.1
- cheroot - 8.6.0
- chess - 1.8.0
- chevron - 0.14.0
- chwrapper - 0.3.0
- clarifai - 2.6.2
- cleverdict - 1.7.2
- click - 7.1.2
- click-plugins - 1.1.1
- click-shell - 2.1
- cligj - 0.7.2
- clize - 4.2.1
- cloudant - 2.14.0
- cloudconvert - 2.0.0
- cloudinary - 1.12.0
- cloudpickle - 2.2.0
- cmdstanpy - 0.4.0
- cobble - 0.1.3
- codaio - 0.4.11
- cognite-sdk - 2.19.0
- colander - 1.8.3
- colorama - 0.4.3
- colorcet - 3.0.1
- colorlover - 0.3.0
- colour-science - 0.3.16
- commonmark - 0.9.1
- conference-scheduler - 3.0.1
- configparser - 3.8.1
- connectorx - 0.2.3
- constantly - 15.1.0
- control - 0.9.0
- convertdate - 2.4.0
- cookiecutter - 2.1.1
- coolname - 1.1.0
- countryinfo - 0.1.2
- cplex -
- criticalpath - 0.1.5
- croniter - 1.0.1
- cryptography - 42.0.8
- cryptowatch-sdk - 0.0.16
- cssselect - 1.1.0
- cssselect2 - 0.7.0
- cssutils - 2.6.0
- ctREFPROP - 0.10.2
- cu2qu - 1.6.7.post1
- cufflinks - 0.17.3
- curlify - 2.2.1
- customerio - 1.5
- cycler - 0.11.0
- cymem - 2.0.6
- cytoolz - 0.11.2
- darkskylib - 0.3.91
- dask - 2021.11.1
- databricks-cli - 0.17.3
- databricks-dbapi - 0.5.0
- databricks-sql-connector - 0.9.1
- dataclasses-json - 0.5.7
- dataclasses-jsonschema - 2.14.1
- dataclassy - 0.11.1
- dateparser - 1.0.0
- debugpy - 1.6.3
- deckar01-ratelimit - 3.0.2
- decorator - 4.4.2
- deepdiff - 5.0.2
- deepgram-sdk - 0.2.4
- deepl - 1.5.0
- defcon - 0.10.2
- defusedxml - 0.7.1
- deprecation - 2.1.0
- diagrams - 0.18.0
- dictpath - 0.1.3
- dill -
- diskcache - 5.2.1
- distro - 1.7.0
- dlx - 1.0.4
- dnspython - 2.2.1
- docker - 4.2.2
- docopt - 0.4.0
- docplex - 2.23.222
- docutils - 0.17.1
- docx-mailmerge - 0.5.0
- docxcompose - 1.2.0
- docxtpl - 0.15.2
- dparse - 0.6.2
- dpath - 2.0.1
- dropbox - 10.8.0
- easypost - 6.0.0
- ecdsa - 0.18.0
- eip712 - 0.1.0
- elasticsearch - 7.0.2
- elasticsearch-dsl - 7.0.0
- elisctl - 2.5.0
- email-reply-parser - 0.5.9
- email-validator - 1.2.0
- endesive - 2.0.3
- entrypoints - 0.4
- enum-compat - 0.0.3
- envparse - 0.2.0
- envs - 1.4
- ephem - 4.1.3
- espn-api - 0.16.1
- et-xmlfile - 1.1.0
- eth-abi - 2.1.1
- eth-account - 0.5.6
- eth-brownie - 1.17.2
- eth-event - 1.2.3
- eth-hash - 0.3.2
- eth-keyfile - 0.6.0
- eth-keys - 0.3.3
- eth-rlp - 0.2.1
- eth-typing - 2.2.2
- eth-utils - 1.10.0
- etherscan - 0.3.0
- eventsourcing - 6.3.0
- exchangelib - 4.7.2
- execnet - 1.9.0
- facebook-business - 3.3.2
- facebookads - 2.11.4
- faiss - 1.5.3
- fake-user-agent - 0.0.12
- fake-useragent - 0.1.11
- fastai - 2.5.0
- fastavro - 0.23.5
- fastcore - 1.3.29
- fastdownload - 0.0.7
- fastdtw - 0.3.4
- fastjsonschema - 2.16.2
- fastprogress - 1.0.3
- fbprophet - 0.6
- fedex - 2.4.0
- feedparser - 6.0.8
- ffmpeg-python - 0.1.17
- ffprobe-python - 1.0.3
- filelock - 3.8.0
- fire - 0.3.1
- fitdecode - 0.7.0
- flashtext - 2.7
- flatbuffers - 22.9.24
- folium - 0.11.0
- fontMath - 0.9.2
- fontParts - 0.10.8
- fontPens - 0.2.4
- fontmake - 2.3.0
- fonttools - 4.18.2
- forex-python - 1.6
- form-api - 0.1.3
- fpdf2 - 2.5.1
- frozenlist - 1.3.1
- fs - 2.4.14
- fsspec - 2022.8.2
- ftfy - 6.1.1
- funcy - 1.17
- future - 0.17.1
- fuzzysearch - 0.7.3
- fuzzywuzzy - 0.18.0
- fxcmpy - 1.3.2
- gTTS - 2.2.3
- gast - 0.4.0
- gensim - 3.8.3
- genson - 1.2.2
- geojson - 2.5.0
- geojsoncontour - 0.4.0
- geopandas - 0.8.1
- geopy - 1.11.0
- gevent - 21.12.0
- gitdb - 4.0.9
- glyphsLib - 6.1.0
- gmsh-interop - 2021.1.1
- google-auth-oauthlib - 0.4.6
- google-pasta - 0.2.0
- googleads - 14.1.0
- googledrivedownloader - 0.4
- googlemaps - 4.4.1
- googletrans - 3.0.0
- googletransx - 2.4.2
- gql - 3.2.0
- graphql-core - 3.2.3
- graphviz - 0.13.2
- greenlet - 1.1.3
- grpcio - 1.49.1
- gspread - 3.1.0
- gunicorn - 20.1.0
- h11 - 0.9.0
- h2 - 3.2.0
- h5py - 3.7.0
- hashids - 1.2.0
- hdmedians - 0.14.2
- heroku3 - 3.3.0
- hexbytes - 0.2.2
- holidays - 0.9.7
- hpack - 3.0.0
- hstspreload - 2022.10.1
- html2text - 2020.1.16
- html5lib - 1.1
- htmlmin - 0.1.12
- http-ece - 1.1.0
- httpcore - 0.9.1
- httpx - 0.13.3
- hubspot-api-client - 3.7.2
- huggingface-hub - 0.10.0
- hydra-core - 1.1.1
- hyperframe - 5.2.0
- hyperlink - 21.0.0
- hypothesis - 6.1.1
- hypothesize - 1.1.1
- icalendar - 4.0.9
- icecream - 0.4
- idna - 2.8
- iexfinance - 0.4.3
- imageio - 2.22.1
- imageio-ffmpeg - 0.4.7
- imap-tools - 0.39.0
- imbalanced-learn - 0.7.0
- importlib-metadata - 5.0.0
- importlib-resources - 5.9.0
- impyla - 0.17.0
- imutils - 0.5.4
- incremental - 21.3.0
- inflect - 6.0.0
- inflection - 0.3.1
- influxdb - 5.3.0
- influxdb-client - 1.27.0
- inform - 1.27.0
- iniconfig - 1.1.1
- intuit-oauth - 1.2.3
- invoice2data - 0.3.6
- ipfshttpclient - 0.8.0a2
- ipykernel - 6.16.0
- ipython - 7.34.0
- ipywidgets - 8.0.2
- iso3166 - 2.1.1
- iso8601 - 1.1.0
- isodate - 0.6.1
- isoweek - 1.3.3
- itemadapter - 0.7.0
- itemloaders - 1.0.6
- itsdangerous - 2.0.1
- jaraco.classes - 3.2.3
- jaraco.collections - 3.5.2
- jaraco.context - 4.1.2
- jaraco.functools - 3.5.2
- jaraco.itertools - 6.2.1
- jaraco.text - 3.9.1
- jdcal - 1.4.1
- jedi - 0.18.1
- jeepney - 0.8.0
- jellyfish-wheel - 0.7.0
- jinja2-time - 0.2.0
- jira - 3.1.1
- jmespath - 0.10.0
- joblib - 1.2.0
- jsondiff - 2.0.0
- jsonpath-ng - 1.5.3
- jsonpickle - 1.4.2
- jsonschema - 4.16.0
- jsonschema-spec - 0.1.2
- jupyter-client - 7.3.5
- jupyter-core - 4.11.1
- jupyterlab-widgets - 3.0.3
- jwcrypto - 1.4.2
- kafka-python - 2.0.2
- keras - 2.6.0
- keyring - 23.9.3
- kiwisolver - 1.4.4
- kmodes - 0.12.2
- kucoin-python - 1.0.11
- lambdasdk - 0.1.4
- langcodes - 3.3.0
- lazy-object-proxy - 1.6.0
- libclang - 14.0.6
- libeospy - 2.0.1
- lightgbm - 3.3.2
- line-bot-sdk - 2.3.0
- linesdk - 0.0.11
- llvmlite - 0.39.1
- lmfit - 1.0.3
- locket - 1.0.0
- lockfile - 0.12.2
- logdna - 1.18.1
- logfury - 1.0.1
- logzio-python-handler - 2.0.13
- lru-dict - 1.1.7
- lti - 0.9.5
- luxpy - 1.9.6
- lxml - 4.9.1
- mailchecker - 5.0.1
- mailchimp-marketing - 3.0.72
- mailchimp-transactional - 1.0.47
- mailjet-rest - 1.3.3
- mammoth - 1.4.19
- mandrill - 1.0.57
- marshmallow - 3.4.0
- marshmallow-enum - 1.5.1
- mathparse - 0.1.2
- matplotlib - 3.2.1
- matplotlib-inline - 0.1.6
- messari - 1.0.0
- mido - 1.2.9
- mingus - 0.6.0
- minimalmodbus - 2.0.1
- miracle-acl - 0.0.4.post1
- missingno - 0.5.0
- mistune - 0.8.3
- mjml - 0.6.2
- mlflow - 1.29.0
- mlrose - 1.3.0
- mlxtend - 0.21.0
- mock - 4.0.3
- mongoengine - 0.20.0
- more-itertools - 8.14.0
- motor - 2.3.0
- moviepy - 2.0.0.dev2
- mpmath - 1.2.1
- mpyq - 0.2.5
- msal - 1.19.0
- msgpack - 0.6.1
- msgpack-numpy -
- msrest - 0.7.1
- multiaddr - 0.0.9
- multidict - 6.0.2
- multimethod - 1.8
- multitasking - 0.0.11
- munch - 2.5.0
- murmurhash - 1.0.8
- mws - 0.8.15
- mypy-extensions - 0.4.3
- mysqlclient - 2.1.1
- mythx-models - 1.9.1
- natsort - 8.2.0
- nba-api - 1.1.11
- ndg-httpsclient - 0.5.1
- neo4j - 4.4.2
- neo4j-driver - 1.7.2
- neobolt - 1.7.17
- neomodel - 3.3.2
- neotime - 1.7.4
- nest-asyncio - 1.5.6
- netaddr - 0.8.0
- networkx - 2.6.3
- neuralintents - 0.0.4
- nexmo - 2.5.2
- nicHelper - 0.0.93
- nltk - 3.6.7
- ntlm-auth - 1.3.0
- nulltype - 2.3.1
- numba - 0.56.2
- numexpr - 2.8.3
- numpy - 1.21.5
- nylas - 4.12.1
- oauthlib - 3.2.1
- od - 2.0.2
- odoo-client-lib - 1.2.2
- omegaconf - 2.1.2
- onnxruntime - 1.8.1
- openai - 0.18.1
- openapi-core - 0.14.2
- openapi-schema-validator - 0.3.4
- openapi-spec-validator - 0.5.1
- opencv-python -
- openpyxl - 3.0.10
- openseespy -
- openseespylinux -
- openstep-plist - 0.3.0
- opentrons - 4.2.0
- opentrons-shared-data - 4.2.0
- opt-einsum - 3.3.0
- ordered-set - 4.1.0
- ordereddict - 1.1
- ortools - 8.1.8487
- oscrypto - 1.3.0
- packaging - 21.3
- pafy - 0.5.5
- paho-mqtt - 1.5.0
- pandas - 1.3.0
- pandas-datareader - 0.9.0
- pandas-market-calendars - 1.6.0
- pandas-profiling - 3.3.0
- pandas-schema - 0.3.6
- pandas-stubs -
- param - 1.12.2
- paramiko - 2.11.0
- parse - 1.19.0
- parsel - 1.6.0
- parsimonious - 0.8.1
- parso - 0.8.3
- partd - 1.3.0
- pathable - 0.4.3
- pathspec - 0.9.0
- pathy - 0.6.2
- patsy - 0.5.2
- pdf2image - 1.12.1
- pdfkit - 0.6.1
- pdfminer.six - 20231228
- pdfplumber - 0.6.0
- pdfrw - 0.4
- pdftotext - 2.1.4
- pdfx - 1.4.1
- pdpyras - 4.5.0
- pendulum - 2.1.1
- pexpect - 4.8.0
- pg8000 - 1.20.0
- pgeocode - 0.2.1
- phik - 0.12.2
- phonenumbers - 8.10.14
- phonetisch - 0.2.2
- pickleshare - 0.7.5
- pika - 1.1.0
- pkgutil-resolve-name - 1.3.10
- plac - 0.9.6
- plaid-python - 8.2.0
- platformdirs - 2.4.0
- plivo - 4.16.0
- plotly - 5.13.1
- plotly-geo - 1.0.0
- pluggy - 1.0.0
- ply - 3.11
- polling2 - 0.5.0
- pony - 0.7.13
- portend - 3.1.0
- postal - 1.1.7
- praw - 7.1.0
- prawcore - 1.5.0
- premailer - 3.6.1
- preshed - 3.0.7
- prices - 0.5.9
- proglog - 0.1.10
- prometheus-client - 0.14.1
- prometheus-flask-exporter - 0.20.3
- prompt-toolkit - 3.0.23
- psautohint - 2.4.0
- psaw - 0.0.12
- psutil - 5.8.0
- psychrochart - 0.3.1
- psycopg2 - 2.7.1
- ptyprocess - 0.7.0
- pure-sasl - 0.6.2
- py - 1.11.0
- py-algorand-sdk - 1.5.0
- py-frappe-client - 1.1.2
- py-graphql-client - 0.1.1
- py-solc-ast - 1.2.9
- py-solc-x - 1.1.1
- py-vapid - 1.8.2
- py3-validate-email - 0.2.12
- pyAesCrypt - 5.0.0
- pyLDAvis - 3.3.1
- pyOpenSSL - 24.1.0
- pyactiveresource - 2.2.2
- pyarrow - 5.0.0
- pyasn1 - 0.4.8
- pyasn1-modules - 0.2.8
- pybars3 - 0.9.7
- pybaseball - 2.2.1
- pybind11 - 2.10.0
- pyblake2 - 0.9.3
- pybrake - 1.5.0
- pycares - 4.2.2
- pycaret - 2.3.5
- pyclickup - 0.1.1
- pyclipper - 1.3.0.post3
- pycognito - 2022.2.1
- pycoingecko - 2.2.0
- pycountry - 22.3.5
- pycparser - 2.18
- pycryptodome - 3.12.0
- pycryptodomex - 3.15.0
- pyct - 0.4.8
- pycurl - 7.43.0
- pydal - 20210626.3
- pydantic - 1.8.2
- pydot - 1.4.1
- pydub - 0.24.1
- pyee - 8.2.2
- pyenchant - 3.2.2
- pygal - 2.4.0
- pygeocodio - 1.0.0
- pygments-lexer-solidity - 0.7.0
- pygraphviz - 1.5
- pyheif - 0.5.1
- pyid - 0.0.3
- pyimgur - 0.6.0
- pyjstat - 2.2.0
- pykerberos - 1.2.4
- pylatexenc - 2.8
- pymongo - 3.7.1
- pymssql - 2.1.4
- pynamodb-dax - 0.0.4
- pynndescent - 0.5.7
- pyocr - 0.7
- pyod - 1.0.5
- pyodbc - 4.0.34
- pyparsing - 3.0.6
- pyphen - 0.13.0
- pypng - 0.0.20
- pyppeteer - 1.0.2
- pyproj - 3.2.1
- pypwned - 0.1.6
- pyquery - 1.4.3
- pyrsistent - 0.18.0
- pyserial - 3.5
- pysftp - 0.2.9
- pyshp - 2.3.1
- pyspellchecker - 0.6.2
- pystan -
- pyteal - 0.9.1
- pytesseract - 0.2.6
- pytest - 6.2.5
- pytest-forked - 1.3.0
- pytest-xdist - 1.34.0
- python-Levenshtein - 0.20.5
- python-barcode - 0.10.0
- python-benedict - 0.23.2
- python-bidi - 0.4.2
- python-binance - 1.0.15
- python-box - 5.4.1
- python-codicefiscale - 0.3.9
- python-constraint - 1.4.0
- python-dateutil - 2.8.2
- python-docx - 0.8.10
- python-dotenv - 0.16.0
- python-engineio - 4.3.1
- python-escpos - 2.2.0
- python-fsutil - 0.7.0
- python-gantt - 0.6.0
- python-gantt-csv - 0.4.0
- python-http-client - 3.3.7
- python-igraph - 0.8.3
- python-jose - 3.3.0
- python-pptx - 0.6.21
- python-quickbooks - 0.8.2
- python-slugify - 5.0.2
- python-socketio - 5.0.4
- python-socks - 2.0.3
- python-telegram-bot - 13.5
- python-twitter-v2 - 0.7.0
- pythx - 1.6.1
- pytools - 2022.1.12
- pytrends - 4.7.3
- pyttsx3 - 2.90
- pytube - 11.0.2
- pytz - 2022.4
- pytz-deprecation-shim - 0.1.0.post0
- pytzdata - 2020.1
- pyudorandom - 1.0.0
- pyusb - 1.2.1
- pyvat - 1.3.1
- pywebpush - 1.11.0
- pyzbar - 0.1.7
- pyzmq - 24.0.1
- qiskit - 0.23.2
- qiskit-aer - 0.7.2
- qiskit-aqua - 0.8.1
- qiskit-ibmq-provider - 0.11.1
- qiskit-ignis - 0.5.1
- qiskit-terra - 0.16.1
- qrcode - 6.1
- qrtools - 0.0.2
- quantecon - 0.4.3
- querystring-parser - 1.2.4
- queuelib - 1.6.2
- rapidfuzz - 2.11.1
- rauth - 0.7.3
- rdflib - 4.2.2
- reach-rpc-client -
- redis - 2.10.6
- redshift-connector - 2.0.909
- regex - 2022.1.18
- reportlab - 3.5.32
- repoze.lru - 0.7
- requests - 2.28.1
- requests-cache - 0.9.6
- requests-file - 1.5.1
- requests-html - 0.10.0
- requests-ntlm - 1.1.0
- requests-oauthlib - 1.3.0
- requests-pkcs12 - 1.9
- requests-toolbelt - 0.9.1
- retrying - 1.3.3
- retworkx - 0.11.0
- rfc3986 - 1.5.0
- rich - 11.2.0
- rlp - 2.0.1
- rsa - 4.9
- rstr - 2.2.6
- s3bz - 0.1.27
- s3fs - 0.5.1
- s3transfer - 0.6.0
- sacremoses - 0.0.53
- safety - 1.8.7
- salabim - 21.1.6
- sasl - 0.3.1
- satchless - 1.1.3
- sc2reader - 1.3.1
- schedule - 1.1.0
- schwifty - 2021.6.1
- scikit-bio - 0.5.6
- scikit-image - 0.18.3
- scikit-learn - 0.24.1
- scikit-plot - 0.3.7
- scipy - 1.5.2
- scramp - 1.4.1
- scriptinep3 - 0.3.1
- seaborn - 0.9.0
- searchtweets - 1.7.4
- seatable-api - 2.5.0
- sectionproperties - 1.0.7
- secure-smtplib - 0.1.1
- semantic-version - 2.8.5
- sendgrid - 6.9.1
- sentence-transformers - 2.1.0
- sentencepiece - 0.1.97
- sentinel - 0.1.2
- sentry-sdk - 1.3.0
- serverlessrepo - 0.1.10
- service-identity - 21.1.0
- settrade - 0.5.0
- setuptools-git - 1.2
- sgmllib3k - 1.0.0
- shipstation - 0.1.3
- shortuuid - 0.5.0
- signalwire - 1.5.0
- sigtools - 4.0.0
- simple-salesforce - 1.11.5
- simple-smartsheet - 0.5.0
- simplejson - 3.3.1
- siphon - 0.9
- siwe - 1.0.1
- six - 1.14.0
- skia-pathops - 0.7.2
- sklearn - 0.0
- slack-sdk - 3.1.0
- slackclient - 2.5.0
- slacker - 0.12.0
- slate3k - 0.5.3
- smart-open - 5.2.1
- smartsheet-python-sdk - 2.86.0
- smmap - 5.0.0
- smsapi-client - 2.4.3
- sniffio - 1.3.0
- snowflake-connector-python - 2.7.4
- sortedcontainers - 2.4.0
- soupsieve - 2.3.2.post1
- sox - 1.4.1
- spacy - 3.2.0
- spacy-alignments - 0.8.5
- spacy-legacy - 3.0.10
- spacy-loggers - 1.0.3
- spacy-transformers - 1.1.2
- sportsipy - 0.6.0
- spotipy - 2.16.1
- spyne - 2.14.0
- sqlparse - 0.4.3
- squareup -
- srsly - 2.4.4
- sshtunnel - 0.1.5
- starkbank-ecdsa - 2.1.0
- statsmodels - 0.13.1
- stocknotebridge - 1.0.1
- streng - 0.0.4
- stringcase - 1.2.0
- stripe - 2.62.0
- sty - 1.0.4
- suds-jurko - 0.6
- svglib - 0.9.4
- svgwrite - 1.4.3
- symbeam - 1.0.7
- sympy - 1.6
- symspellpy - 6.7.0
- ta - 0.10.1
- tabula-py - 2.1.0
- tabulate - 0.8.10
- tangled-up-in-unicode - 0.2.0
- tdigest -
- tempora - 5.0.2
- tenacity - 8.2.3
- tensorboard - 2.10.1
- tensorboard-data-server - 0.6.1
- tensorboard-plugin-wit - 1.8.1
- tensorflow - 2.10.0
- tensorflow-estimator - 2.10.0
- tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem - 0.27.0
- termcolor - 2.0.1
- text-unidecode - 1.3
- textX - 3.0.0
- textblob - 0.15.3
- textstat - 0.5.6
- texttable - 1.6.4
- thinc - 8.0.17
- thirdweb-contract-wrappers - 2.0.4
- thirdweb-sdk - 0.4.0
- thirdweb-web3 - 5.24.8
- threadpoolctl - 3.1.0
- thrift - 0.15.0
- thrift-sasl - 0.4.3
- tifffile - 2021.11.2
- timeboard - 0.2.3
- timetree-sdk - 0.1.3
- timezonefinder - 5.2.0
- tinycss2 - 1.1.1
- tinydb - 4.7.0
- tldextract - 3.1.0
- tokenizers - 0.13.0
- toml - 0.10.2
- tomli - 1.2.2
- tomlkit - 0.7.2
- toolz - 0.12.0
- torch - 1.6.0
- torchvision - 0.7.0
- tornado - 6.2
- tqdm - 4.64.1
- trading-calendars - 2.1.1
- traitlets - 5.4.0
- transformers - 4.5.1
- transitions - 0.8.8
- translationstring - 1.4
- treelib - 1.6.1
- treys - 0.1.3
- ttim - 0.4.0
- tuspy - 0.2.1
- tweepy - 3.8.0
- tweet-parser - 1.13.2
- twilio - 6.56.0
- twint - 2.1.20
- typed-ast - 1.5.1
- typer - 0.3.2
- typesense - 0.13.1
- typing-extensions -
- typing-inspect - 0.8.0
- tzdata - 2022.4
- tzlocal - 4.2
- ua-parser - 0.16.1
- ufo2ft - 2.28.0
- ufoLib2 - 0.13.1
- ufoProcessor - 1.9.0
- ufonormalizer - 0.6.1
- ujson - 5.5.0
- umap-learn - 0.5.3
- uncertainties - 3.1.7
- unicodedata2 - 14.0.0
- update-checker - 0.18.0
- url-normalize - 1.4.3
- urllib3 - 1.26.5
- usd-core - 22.5
- user-agents - 2.2.0
- usps-api - 0.4
- utm - 0.4.2
- vaderSentiment - 3.3.2
- varint - 1.0.2
- visions - 0.7.5
- vonage - 2.5.5
- vvm - 0.1.0
- vyper - 0.3.7
- w3lib - 2.0.1
- wapy - 1.0.0
- wasabi - 0.10.1
- watchdog - 2.1.2
- wcwidth - 0.2.5
- web3 - 5.24.0
- webdavclient3 - 3.14.5
- webencodings - 0.5.1
- websocket - 0.2.1
- websocket-client - 1.2.3
- websockets - 10.3
- wellmap - 3.0.0
- widgetsnbextension - 4.0.3
- wikipedia - 1.4.0
- windrose - 1.6.8
- wit - 6.0.0
- wolframalpha - 3.0.1
- wordcloud - 1.8.1
- wordhoard - 1.5.0
- wordpress-api - 1.2.9
- world-bank-data - 0.1.3
- wrapt - 1.13.3
- ws4py - 0.5.1
- xarray - 0.20.2
- xhtml2pdf - 0.2.5
- xkcdpass - 1.19.2
- xlrd - 2.0.1
- xmltodict - 0.13.0
- yagmail - 0.14.261
- yarl - 1.8.1
- yellowbrick - 1.5
- yfinance - 0.1.70
- youtube-dl - 2020.3.24
- youtube-search-python - 1.3.2
- zc.lockfile - 2.0
- zeep - 4.0.0
- zipp - 3.6.0
- zohocrmsdk2-0 - 5.0.0
- zoomus - 1.1.6
- zope.event - 4.5.0
- zope.interface - 5.4.0
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