Day 16 of the Anvil Advent Calendar
Build a web app every day until Christmas, with nothing but Python!
A Merry Little Recipe Finder App
I built a simple recipe searching app using Anvil and Spoonacular’s food API. You can use the app below to find the perfect recipe for your Christmas meal! Or for any meal!

Using the Spoonacular API
The recipe search app is built on top of Spoonacular’s food API. To build the app, you just need to sign up for a free API key, which can then be stored in an Anvil Secret.
The following code on the Server side returns a list of recipe names and IDs based on a search query:
def search(query):
apikey = anvil.secrets.get_secret('api_key')
query = anvil.http.url_encode(query)
return anvil.http.request(f"{apikey}&query={query}", json=True)
To get information about the recipe such as its source and how long it takes to cook, the recipe ID is passed to the following fuction:
def get_info(recipe_id):
apikey = anvil.secrets.get_secret('api_key')
return anvil.http.request(f"{recipe_id}/information?apiKey={apikey}", json=True)
Building the UI
Now all that’s needed is a user interface to search for and display recipes. We added a TextBox and an event handler for when the user presses Enter in the TextBox. The event handler calls the search
server function and displays the recipe names and photos in a repeating panel:
def search_box_pressed_enter(self, **event_args):
"""This method is called when the user presses Enter in this text box"""
results ='search', self.text_box_1.text)
self.repeating_panel_1.items = results['results']
Each item in the repeating panel is a link. When clicked, it calls the get_info
server function and triggers an alert with more information about the recipe:
def link_1_click(self, **event_args):
"""This method is called when the link is clicked"""
info ='get_info', self.item['id'])
alert(content=Popup(info=info), large=True)

Anvil makes it easy to build a front-end for an API. To check out the source code for this app in more detail, you can clone the app using the link below:
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