Update Sep 2021
This dependency is now maintained as part of anvil-extras
To add the depenency simply add anvil-extras as a third party dependency:C6ZZPAPN4YYF5NVJ
can be used as an individual dependency
with the third party dependency code:RLLQ34XAY246K5R3
The source code is identical to anvil-extras but may differ by version number.Documentation: Popovers — Anvil Extras documentation
This is both a show and tell and a feature request.
I wanted to use popovers in some of my apps. You can find examples in bootstrap’s documentation here and here.
I think it would be great if it they were native to anvil. But since they’re not, I’ve made something that might be useful to others.
I tried to make it as similar to alerts as I could
Use this popover anvil app as a dependency
Once you’ve added the dependency to your app, in the form you want popovers write:
from popover import popover
This will add popover functionality to links and buttons.
Now call the newly created button method popover e.g.
self.button = Button()
self.button.popover(content='example text', title='Popover')
This will add a popover to your button when it is clicked.
You can also add forms to the popovers
from .Form2 import Form2
will also be aware of the ‘popper’ since it now has an attribute self.popper
Here are the two methods that are added to the Button and Link classes.
def popover(self, content,
placement = 'right',
trigger = 'click',
animation = True,
delay={ "show": 100, "hide": 100 }
"""should be called by a button or link
content - either a string or an anvil component or Form
title - a string
placement - right, left, top, bottom (for left/right best to have links and buttons inside flow panels)
trigger - manual, focus, hover, click
animation - True or False
delay - {'show': 100, 'hide': 100}
if the content is a form then the form will have an attribute self.popper added """
def pop(self,behaviour):
""" trigger some behaviour of the popover.
behaviour can be any of:
show, hide, toggle, dispose, enable, disable, toggleEnabled, update"""
for some more examples see this app, which uses anvil_extras
as a dependency…