Dependency issue import error

After adding dependency, I’m receiving this error.

ErrorLoadingUserCode: Error loading user code: Error loading user code: Error loading user code: No module named ‘anvil.js’ at /libanvil/anvil_downlink_worker/, line 72 called from [CRM, line 7](javascript:void(0)) called from /libanvil/anvil_downlink_worker/, line 70 called from /libanvil/anvil_downlink_worker/, line 176 called from [Main_Form, line 22]

my app is uses python 3

hi @keashanjayaweera and welcome to the forum,

Would you mind posting a clone link. It’s difficult to ascertain the cause of the error without seeing more code. It looks like you might be trying to load anvil.js in server code/uplink code somewhere, but anvil.js is not available in server/uplink code. (just a guess)

@stucork Thank you for your prompt reply. My issue was calling anvil.js from server. Once I changed it all worked well.