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Configuring Emails from the Users Service

Custom User Service Emails are available on the Hobby Plan and above.

Some log-in methods require automatic emails to be sent to users. You can configure these emails from the Users Service.

Click on the Users Service in the Sidebar Menu, then scroll down until you see “Configure emails from the Users Service”. Here, you will be able to change the address from which automatic emails are sent. You can also edit the content of each automatic email, either in rich text or HTML.

Configuring the password reset email from the Users Service

Configuring the password reset email from the Users Service

Configuring the password reset email from the Users Service

Configuring the password reset email from the Users Service

There are four types of emails that can be configured:

  • Password reset: This email is configurable when the Email + Password login option is enabled.

  • Email confirmation: When the “Confirm email address before user can log in” option is enabled, you will be able to configure the confirmation email that is sent to new users.

  • Magic email link: When users can log in through an email link, the option to configure this email is available.

  • Two-Factor Authentication reset: If two-factor authentication is required, and “allow 2-factor reset by email” is enabled, you will be able to configure the email sent when a users requests to reset their two-factor authentication method.

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