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plotly.graph_objs.sankey.node Module


plotly.graph_objs.sankey.node.Hoverlabel([align=], [alignsrc=], [bgcolor=], [bgcolorsrc=], [bordercolor=], [bordercolorsrc=], [font=], [namelength=], [namelengthsrc=]) → Hoverlabel

Create a new ‘Hoverlabel’ object

  • align - Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines

  • alignsrc - Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `align`.

  • bgcolor - Sets the background color of the hover labels for this trace

  • bgcolorsrc - Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `bgcolor`.

  • bordercolor - Sets the border color of the hover labels for this trace.

  • bordercolorsrc - Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `bordercolor`.

  • font - Sets the font used in hover labels.

  • namelength - Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to `namelength - 3` characters and add an ellipsis.

  • namelengthsrc - Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `namelength`.

plotly.graph_objs.sankey.node.Line([color=], [colorsrc=], [width=], [widthsrc=]) → Line

Create a new ‘Line’ object

  • color - Sets the color of the `line` around each `node`.

  • colorsrc - Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `color`.

  • width - Sets the width (in px) of the `line` around each `node`.

  • widthsrc - Sets the source reference on Chart Studio Cloud for `width`.


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