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anvil.pico [micro-uplink] Module


call(function_name, *args, **kwargs) (more info)

  • function_name - The name of the server function, as registered with @anvil.server.callable (or @anvil.pico.callable on another Pico device).

  • args - All arguments will be passed to that function

  • kwargs - Keyword arguments will be passed to that function

callable([require_user=False]) (more info)

  • require_user - If require_user=True, this function can only be called from a session with an authenticated user via the Users Service. If require_user is set to a string, this function can only be called if the user with the specified email is logged in via the Users Service.

callable_async([require_user=False]) (more info)

  • require_user - If require_user=True, this function can only be called from a session with an authenticated user via the Users Service. If require_user is set to a string, this function can only be called if the user with the specified email is logged in via the Users Service.

connect(key, [on_first_connect=None], [on_every_connect=None], [no_led=False]) (more info)

Connect your Pico to your Anvil app. This function will block forever: register all @anvil.pico.callable functions beforehand.

The key is a unique string and should be kept private. You can generate a new key from inside your anvil app.

  • on_first_connect - If you pass an async task as the on_first_connect keyword parameter, it will be called after the uplink connection is first established.

  • on_every_connect - If you pass an async task as the on_first_connect keyword parameter, it will be called after the uplink connection is established or reconnected.

  • no_led - If set to True, the Uplink will not display connection status on the on-board LED.

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anvil.pico [micro-uplink]