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Capability-Scoped Cache Updates

If you’re using portable objects to represent long-lived server-side resources, you probably don’t want to go back to the server every time you fetch a property from your object. You want to cache that information as part of your object.

But what happens when some server-side code updates that object? You want to update that cache, otherwise your client side will see stale data.

But, sometimes the server-side code is updating something secret that we don’t want the client to know about! So we only sometimes want to transmit cache updates.

To solve this problem, Anvil allows you to transmit updates about a particular Capability scope, by calling send_update() on a Capability object. These updates will only be transmitted to the client if the client supplied that Capability as part of this call. The code at the other end can register a callback (using set_update_handler()), which will be called with any updates when the server call completes.


Let’s expand our YouTube editor example from last time, to cache some information about each video.

We update the Video class to store the video description in the description attribute, so it can easily be displayed in the UI:

class Video:
  def __init__(self, youtube_id, full_control): = youtube_id
    # NEW: Cache the video description when we construct the object
    self.description = requests.get("", ...)

    if full_control:
      self.cap = anvil.server.Capability(["youtube_videos",])
      self.cap = anvil.server.Capability(["youtube_videos",, "update"])

  def set_description(self, new_description):'set_video_description', self.cap, new_description)

  def delete(self):'delete_video', self.cap)

And let’s create a server function that clears the description:

def reset_description(video):
    video.set_description("© 2000 Anvil Records")

Problem: Stale cache

Now, of course, we have a problem! After we call that function, the description property is out of date:

    my_video = ...
    # prints "Charlie Bit My Finger"'reset_description', my_video)

    # STILL prints "Charlie Bit My Finger"

But we can fix it! First, let’s alter the set_video_description() server function to transmit a capability-scoped update:

def set_video_description(cap, new_description):
  video_id = cap.scope[1]
  anvil.server.unwrap_capability(cap, ["youtube_videos", video_id, "update"])]

  requests.put("", ...)

  # NEW: transmit an update
  cap.send_update({"description": new_description})

Now, let’s make our Video class understand these updates:

class Video:
  def __init__(self, youtube_id, full_control): = youtube_id
    self.description = requests.get("", ...)

    if full_control:
      self.cap = anvil.server.Capability(["youtube_videos",])
      self.cap = anvil.server.Capability(["youtube_videos",, "update"])
    # NEW: Handle updates on our capability


  def __deserialize__(self, data, global_data):

  def _handle_cache_update(self, update):
    self.description = update['description']

  def set_description(self, new_description):'set_video_description', self.cap, new_description)

  def delete(self):'delete_video', self.cap)

Note that we have to set the update handler whether the object is constructed from scratch (with __init__) or reconstructed off the wire (with __deserialize__). We rely on the default __serialize__ behaviour, which just returns self.__dict__.

You can read more about serialisation in our docs.

Problem solved.

Now, when we call reset_description, our Video object will be updated:

    my_video = ...
    # prints "Charlie Bit My Finger"'reset_description', my_video)

    # prints "© 2000 Anvil Records"

How it works

When we call reset_description(), we’re passing the whole Video object, including its capability – so Anvil’s serialisation machinery knows that we have access to this capability. When reset_description() calls set_video_description(), it also passes the capability. So Anvil knows to transmit the update to the calling code, where it triggers the update handler and updates.

Remember, this only happens because the client has proven that it’s allowed to see these updates. If the client hadn’t passed the Video object to the server, then the update would have stayed secret.

When you build an API like this, things “just work”. For example, whoever wrote the reset_description() function never had to worry about caching! That’s an internal detail, handled by the Video class – just as it should be.

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