Check client platform: Desktop or Mobile

Does anyone have a solution to check what platform the client is being displayed on?
Knowing this would give me the opportunity to change the form design of a few forms to improve the user’s experience on mobile devices.

Thanks in advance.


Something like this?

You could create a JS function in Native Libraries and call it from python -

JQuery is loaded by Anvil so is already available for you to use.


@rickhurlbatt or anyone, did you try this out?

It would be great if anyone has an example to share.

Sorry @stein this is still on the very long to do list

@stein - here’s one way you might go about it:
take a look at stackoverflow for the question in javascript:

and then adapt a solution using anvil.js.window

the most popular answer in stackoverflow can be adapted as follows:

from anvil.js.window import navigator
import re
mobile_devices = "Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini"
is_mobile =, navigator.userAgent) is not None


Excellent, that did the trick. Thanks @stucork!

The true way to do it is to check check CSS hover is possible, mobile devices cannot do that.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Detecting whether anvil is running in the browser (typing)

Just some further information for anyone reading this down the track. It looks as there is a new way of detecting a mobile device that is being phased in to replace the unwieldy use of the userAgent string. As per this documentation there is now a boolean attribute of userAgentData which detects whether the device is mobile.

From the Docs (referencing Java Script):

# If you are checking for mobile or desktop, use the boolean mobile value:
const isMobile =;

If I am not mistaken, this would be the Anvil way to approach this

from anvil.js.window import navigator
is_mobile =

This is very cool - good find!

It looks like this is mostly but not entirely supported. See here:

Specifically it looks like Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari do not implement this attribute, so I’d suggest a try-except just in case. I usually use window.innerWidth <= 640 as a check.


hm, sorry @stucork , i cant get it to work, i get following error trying to import it:

from anvil.js.window import navigator


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'anvil.js.window'; 'anvil.js' is not a package

are there any prerequisites? i tried changing my python env but that didn’t do the trick… :see_no_evil:

@jo.ra just checking the obvious, but you’re running that import in the client, right? That’s the only place the Javascript module is available.


@jshaffstall aahhh. my bad! i expected that somehow also to be available in the server env, similar to


:see_no_evil: but yeah, my shortcoming of not knowing JS in websites that well yet.

How about detecting the exact type of mobile device? What is the best way of saying

if device == 'iPhone' or 'iOS'


Given Python’s expression-evaluation rules, you probably mean
if device in {'iPhone', 'iOS'}

from anvil.js.window import navigator


For me this prints “Windows” which is correct.

According to that MDN / WebAPI link above, the available values for platform are:

One of the following strings: "Android" , "Chrome OS" , "Chromium OS" , "iOS" , "Linux" , "macOS" , "Windows" , or "Unknown" .

Running this code on my iMac + Chrome gives the output “macOS”
When running it on my Android + Chrome, or iPhone + Safari, I get the error
"AttributeError: 'Navigator' object has no attribute 'userAgentData'

…so I guess it’s not very useful.

Chrome Android should be supported and yet I got the same error… Well, technically Chromium, but I think that should be the same thing.

Yeah what I meant by “not very useful”, “Chrome” / “Firefox” / etc on iOS are just basically skins on top of Webkit, which is Safari.

This means you will (currently) never see ‘iOS’ as the result of platform because there are no browsers on the platform ‘iOS’ that support platform. :confused: