the anvil docs are amazingly detailed and will help. They have developed the platform a lot since this course was recorded. A few hours of playing and you’ll have the hang of it!
I’m back on working with my Anvil App and there’s one thing that I cannot easily find - how to show a Popup or Dialog Box? For example, like an Add form instead of showing it on the main area. Thanks in advance!
I have not fully understand of how to pass arguments to the custom form but this seems to work:
#when the form is called
within the custom form (PopupForm) you will receive your arguments in self.item e.g.
class PopupForm(PopupFormTemplate):
def __init__(self, **properties):
# Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
Was able to customize the design of my left navigation. Used component model to show the different modules in the content area. Drafted the form in the Envelopes.