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Buffering Changes

If an app displays tabular data that users can edit, it’s common to save all the edits to the table at once or discard the changes. For example, after a user makes edits to the table data, they would need to click “Save” or “Discard” before proceeding. Similarly, if they want to add a new record to the table, the user will need to enter (and validate) the data for an entire record before saving it to the database.

You can do this in Anvil with buffered changes to Data Tables and draft Row objects.

Buffered changes

Enabling buffered changes on a Row from a Data Table means that edits to that Row will not be saved to the database until the Row’s save() method is called.

To temporarily buffer changes for an individual Row, use with row.buffer_changes():. Code inside the with block will see a buffered version of the Row, but any buffered changes will be discarded at the end of the block. If you want to retain the changes, call the row’s save() method.

For example, you could data bind a Data Table Row to an editing Form and display this Form as a pop-up to the user. If the user confirms the changes, then the Row is saved:

with row.buffer_changes():
    # Pop up an editor for this row
    if confirm(EditForm(item=row)):
    # else, discard changes

It is also possible to switch a Row into buffered mode until further notice, by calling row.buffer_changes(True). In this case, the row will remain in buffered mode unless you call row.buffer_changes(False). Calling row.buffer_changes(False) discards any buffered changes.

You can view all the changes that have been buffered for a Row by accessing its buffered_changes property. row.buffered_changes will return a dict of the changes that have been buffered. If no changes have been buffered, it will instead return None.

Saving and resetting

Calling will save all buffered changes to the database. If the row contains links to other rows that are buffering changes, or to draft rows, they will also be saved.

Calling row.reset() will discard all buffered changes. If the row contains links to other rows that are buffering changes, they will also be reset.

The save() and reset() methods do not affect whether an existing row is in buffered mode.


If you create a new instance of a Data Table Row, this object will be a draft. A draft Row will not be added to the database and will have no unique ID until and unless it is saved.

To create a draft, construct a new instance of app_tables.[tablename].Row. You may then update this object and either discard it or save it. For example:

person = app_tables.people.Row()
if confirm(PersonEditor(item=person)):
# else, discard the new instance

Once a draft has been saved, that object now represents an existing row in the Data Table and reverts to the default behaviour of that table. Unless you have created a model class for that table with buffered=True, the row will no longer buffer changes.

Until a draft has been saved, its get_id() method will return None as it has no unique identity.


Buffered changes respect all the usual security boundaries of Data Tables - they merely defer the update or creation of a row.

However, buffered changes are most useful on the client, where they allow you to use Data Bindings on a row object without committing changes to the database on every UI operation. By default, client-side code cannot write to the database, so the examples on this page only work if Data Tables have write access. However, you can now use model classes to support client-side operations where appropriate (e.g. by setting client_writeable to True and overwriting the Row’s do_update method to check the user’s permissions when the update comes from the client).

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