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Client-Writable Models

It’s convenient to express all your UI logic in Forms, without having to create a server function corresponding to every action. However, this needs to be done securely: Forms are untrusted client-side code, so we must perform server-side validation.

With client-writable models, client-code can update rows directly, create new rows, and delete existing rows. All of these operations go via the server, where validation and permission checks can run in a trusted environment before the changes are applied to the database.

Making a model client-writable

When creating a model class, you can add options to the superclass that allow instances of your model to be created, updated and/or deleted directly from Form code.

There are four different options:

  • client_updatable=True: client code can update rows directly
  • client_creatable=True: client code can create new rows
  • client_deletable=True: client code can delete existing rows
  • client_writable=True: equivalent to setting the three above options to True

If any of the above options are set to True, you’ll need to implement permission checks to ensure that only permitted operations can occur. For example, if client_updatable is set to True, you’ll want to override do_update() to check that the logged-in user has permission to edit this row before doing the update.

For example:

class TodoItem(app_tables.todo_items.Row, client_updatable=True):

  def _do_update(self, updates, from_client):
    if from_client:
        me = anvil.users.get_user()
    if me is None:
        raise Exception("Must be logged in to edit records")
    if self["assigned_user"] != me:
        raise Exception("Must be the owner of this item to update it")

    updates['last_updated'] =

    super()._do_update(updates, from_client)
If you create a client-writable model, it is very important that you implement checks on every operation you permit. Otherwise, any untrusted visitor will be able to make arbitrary changes to your data.
Do not configure the table as client-writable in the Data Tables config page, and avoid using client_writable() views when you have defined a client-writable model. This setting will allow untrusted client code to save changes directly to the database and will override any permission checks and may cause errors in the future.

How it works

When the client_[X]able option is set for a particular operation, it will cause that operation to be redirected to your server-side Python code. This will execute the corresponding _do_[X]() method on the server. If the default _do_[X]() function is called (eg via calling super()._do_update()), then the operation will be sent to the Anvil database and executed.

For example, if we have a row with a client-updatable model, and we update the 'name' column to the value 'foo', the following operations might execute:

  1. Client-side code runs row['name'] = 'foo' to update the value of the 'name' column.

  2. The update is sent to the app’s server code.

  3. In the app’s server side environment, the model’s _do_update() function on the model is called.

    • The updates argument is the dictionary {'name': 'foo'}.
    • The from_client argument is True.
  4. The model’s _do_update() function decides that this update is permitted, and calls super()._do_update({'name': 'foo'}, True).

  5. The superclass _do_update() sends the update to the Anvil database.

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