Working of Gridpanel

I read the documentation I could find but still didn’t understand it properly. How does a grid panel exactly work. I want the grid panel to add multiple clickable images from a data table using for loop in such a way that every row should have 3 images. The number of rows is not defined though and varies for every user.

Which part of the docs needs clarifying?

Anvil Docs | Containers

Posting code snippets or clone links is always helpful - that way it’s easier to see where the misconceptions/gotchas are.

I think that more information can be provided for grid panel. Maybe some examples.
But anyway, how can I add components to grid panel with for looping as I mentioned above so that every row has only 3 elements from a list?

If you need an example - I did something similar in this app

You can clone it and find the Projects.ProjectDetails form.

The colors are arranged on a 3x3 grid panel and i loop over the list of colors to make it.

Also, your app looks so awesome