Unable to use SpeechRecognition package in python3

I have SpeechRecognition & textblob packages installed in my individual account but am unable to use them in my server side code for an app. Error is :

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘speech_recognition’ at [ServerModule1, line 5](javascript:void(0)) called from /libanvil/anvil_downlink_worker/init.py, line 52 called from , line 626 called from , line 656 called from , line 955 called from , line 971 called from , line 994 called from /lib/lib-python/3/importlib/init.py, line 126 called from [Form1, line 51](javascript:void(0))

Kindly suggest some remedies for the above.

have you checked you’ve switched to full python 3 rather than basic python 3

and when you say individual account do you mean you are on the paid plan?

also here’s the list of packages https://anvil.works/docs/server/packages that can be used on the server…

Hi Leader,

I am on individual paid plan. I did not know that you have to switch to full python 3. I have activated full python 3 environment but it says that it may take 24 hours to get activated. Is there a quicker way to get it activated? And when I had asked for 2 packages - SpeechRecognition & textblob - to be installed in my account, I was not told that I would have to activate full python3 environment in order to use these packages.

here’s a related post about the full vs basic python on the server

Cannot access server module '/tmp' directory - #6 by drummer687

The talk from meredydd explains very nicely the difference…