Unable to scroll on mobile device

My app is having a weird problem with scrolling content on my mobile device:

(edited after resolved)

You just can’t get to the bottom and it jerks the content back to the top. You can try seemingly an endless number of times but it won’t scroll. My wife called it glitchy and unusable. Sometimes though if you catch it just right IT WILL SCROLL. It’s not reliable. The behavior seems to persist regardless of the browser. I’ve tried Chrome on mobile, duck duck go, Safari, Brave. They all do the same thing.

Easiest way to test it is on the About page. The “B” logo is my hamburger menu. Click on that then About and see if you can scroll to the bottom.

I tried this suggestion but to no avail:

This is not new behavior. Ever since I started using hash routing a while back the problem persists, but it can be inconsistent. Not sure how to fix this. Maybe it’s not related to hash routing.

Please help, thank you!

Try adding

.content {
   height: 100%

to your theme.css

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Yes, very consistent now! Thank you @stucork, I’ll keep an eye an on it and post back if there’s still an issue

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