What I’m trying to do:
I have a simple calendar app that I’m building, and when I click on a day column, all the days get selected, with a top to bottom ripple effect.
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
What I have done works OK, but isn’t really smooth, and relies on programmatically changing elements on the form, and other nasty things like time.sleep, for example:
def button_name_click(self, **event_args):
for day in self.days:
day.button_name.foreground = 'red'
day.column_panel_1.role = None
day.column_panel_1.role = "card"
Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated as always, and I hope that in the future, Anvil has a more python way to support animations rather that CSS, which I’m sure they will given their incredible speed of development
css is a the classic way to do animation on the web.
And you’re right that using time.sleep() feels a bit janky.
There is also a relatively new way to implement web animations and that’s with the Web Animation API.
I think this could be a really interesting anvil-extras implementation.
It would likely be a python wrapper around the browser’s Web Animations API.
To interact with the browser api directly you could experiment in the following way:
def button_name_click(self, **event_args):
for day in self.days:
day.button_name.foreground = 'red'
dom_node = anvil.js.get_dom_node(day.column_panel_1)
dom_node.animate({ 'transform': [ 'scale(1)', 'scale(1.5)', 'scale(1)' ] }, 500)
from anvil_extras.animation import Effect, pulse
my_effect = Effect(pulse, duration=500)
def button_name_click(self, **event_args):
for day in self.days:
day.button_name.foreground = 'red'