Server monitoring with anvil

Howdy guys and happy new year!

I want to share a little project i just completed.

The purpose of this project was to monitor and get email alerts from my computers and mining rigs. I use teamviewer for remote management but there are no alerts built in for when a device goes offline :frowning:

I plan to add more features like sending sms and display graphs. Any feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:

Please feel free to create an account and try out the app using the link below
Link to live project

PM me if you want the source code of this project. I am happy to share!

The compiled windows service is not signed jet so windows will prompt you with a message like, “unknown publisher”.



Interesting project. I heard another monitoring tool mentioned by @stefano.menci Preferred Application Monitoring Solutions? - #3 by stefano.menci

While this one seems a lot more dedicated and feature rich, I’m not sure about the “windows installer” part.

Is that mean it need a windows host or client? Is it window dependent in some way?


The windows installer is an agent, so in other words it is a client :slight_smile: You only need the windows installer if you want to monitor a windows pc.

The server is the anvil project. All clients/agents make a http get request, meaning they are reporting to the server if they are online or not.

I will edit the text regarding the windows installer - “…shows error”. Windows will prompt that the installer has a unknown publisher. This prompt will disappear when I buy a certificate. But It’s quite expensive.

@tobias.carlbom can you please share the source code for this.

Sure, i will upload the project to github as soon as i can :slight_smile: