And run the app., then click sign in with Google, it allows me to access the first page right away! even though the enable box is set to False, and when I try to login again using sign in with google it says “This account has not been enabled by an administrator”. My understanding is that I shouldn’t be able to access the first page from the begining until my account is enabled by the admin.
Hi @advancedhealthsys, thanks for pointing it out a very interesting matter. Without seeing your code, it’s kind hard to say what actually happen. But I guess below are yours
def __init__(self, **properties):
# Set Form properties and Data Bindings.
It is true that the form is displayed, however it you add the following code, you will find that the user doesn’t actually login yet since there is an error
#dev only, not for production
user = anvil.users.get_user()
self.label_1.text = user['enabled']
TypeError: 'NoneType' does not support indexing
at Form1, line 17
The form is displayed because it is not protected. Please see the following topic for more information how to fix it
I suspect a bug as well, but it might be intended for showing any message like “Your account will be enabled soon”. There are several other possibilities such as, the main form being used as some kind of homepage and exception should be handled properly.
I agree with @stucork, I know that I can bypass this issue by creating another enable column, and then check if it was enabled or not before directing users to the main page, however, I preferred that the issue get fixed to save time when using user service.
Thanks for letting us know - this is a UI bug, but it isn’t a security bug. Moving to Bug Reports.
As @Tony.Nguyen points out, this isn’t logging the user in - it’s just returning the newly-created user object. anvil.users.get_user() will still return None.
Hi @bridget, on the one hand it is the UI bug, on the other, I find it a way to customize signing in with a Google account. When fixing the bug, it would be great that you could make a way to customize the process.