Issue plotting with go.Figure()

I’m trying to build a stacked bar chart with Plotly in Avil. The code is working on my local machine using Plotly. I’m using the method of creating figures and iteratively changing the figure to create the plot via go.Figure() which is described in the Plotly documentation here.

Here is the code (in a server module):

    def plot_cash_flow(current_symbol):
      # Get data
      cashflow = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM statements WHERE symbol='%s' AND sheet='statement_cashflow';" % (current_symbol), conn)
      cashflow['full_period'] = cashflow['period'] + cashflow['year'].astype('str')
      # Set up plot
      x = [cashflow.drop_duplicates(subset=['full_period'])['year'].tolist(), cashflow.drop_duplicates(subset=['full_period'])['period'].tolist()]
      fig = go.Figure()
                 y=cashflow['ending_balance'][cashflow['item_en'] == 'Operating cashflow'].tolist(),
                 name='Operating Cashflow', marker_color='FireBrick'))
                 y=cashflow['ending_balance'][cashflow['item_en'] == 'Investing cashflow'].tolist(),
                 name='Investing Cashflow', marker_color='crimson'))
                 y=cashflow['ending_balance'][cashflow['item_en'] == 'Financing cashflow'].tolist(),
                 name='Financing Cashflow', marker_color='forestgreen'))
      return fig

When running I receive the error AttributeError: module 'plotly.graph_objs' has no attribute 'Figure'.

On my local machine it appears to be working fine:

To test simply, I put this in a server module :

import anvil.server
from plotly import graph_objects as go

def plot_cash_flow(current_symbol):
  # Get data
  fig = go.Figure()
  return fig

and I get this error :
ImportError: cannot import name 'graph_objects' from 'plotly' (/downlink/plotly/

Wonder if that has been implemented?

edit - I’m not much help with plotly itself I’m afraid, as I don’t use it.

I realized doing all the plot creation in a server module isn’t what was intended in Anvil. Instead I had the function only return the data as traces.

def plot_cash_flow(current_symbol):
  # Get data
  cashflow = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM statements WHERE symbol='%s' AND sheet='statement_cashflow';" % (current_symbol), conn)
  cashflow['full_period'] = cashflow['period'] + cashflow['year'].astype('str')
  # Set up plot
  x = [cashflow.drop_duplicates(subset=['full_period'])['year'].tolist(), cashflow.drop_duplicates(subset=['full_period'])['period'].tolist()]
  trace1 = go.Bar(x=x,
             y=cashflow['ending_balance'][cashflow['item_en'] == 'Operating cashflow'].tolist(),
             name='Operating Cashflow', marker_color='FireBrick')
  trace2 = go.Bar(x=x,
             y=cashflow['ending_balance'][cashflow['item_en'] == 'Investing cashflow'].tolist(),
             name='Investing Cashflow', marker_color='crimson')
  trace3 = go.Bar(x=x,
             y=cashflow['ending_balance'][cashflow['item_en'] == 'Financing cashflow'].tolist(),
             name='Financing Cashflow', marker_color='forestgreen')
  data = [trace1, trace2, trace3]
  return data

On the client form I do: ='plot_cash_flow', Data.current_symbol)
self.cash_flow_chart.layout.barmode = 'relative'

This doesn’t return the error about Figure but just returns a blank bar chart:

In Plotly 4 they moved over to plotly.graph_objects. Prior to 4 plotly.graph_objs was used. In Anvil plotly.graph_objs is what is imported. Sorry for the confusion.

In 4 both are accessible but there was a syntax change to make it more pronounceable. So this makes it appear that Plotly 4 hasn’t been implemented by Anvil yet.

My original post was returning an entire figure (data + layout). In the Anvil documentation, it implies you should assign data to Would it be possible to assign the entire figure to self.plot_name?

If this was possible it would be more in line with the Plotly style of figure creation and, in my opinion, make it easier to prototype and iterate plots.

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Hi @robert,

Yes, you’re right - we’re not currently running Plotly v4. Bumping the upgrade in feature requests!


hi @bridget,

May we know what plotly version we have for free users now?

Have not seen plotly package in this list:

Thank you,

I think you can just do

import plotly 


It’s probably not listed in the python packages as it’s a client side module rather than server side…

Well that doesn’t work…


Hi @josemari.taleno,

We currently provide v3 of the Plotly Python API which is backed by plotly.js version 1.27.1.

how to implement add_trace() `now in 2023?

Please create a new question.
Reviving an old question with different subject it’s unlikely to get you any helpful answer.