A bit of a show and tell and Feature Request
indeterminate checkboxes can be a super useful UI feature
To achieve this in anvil you can do the following - either in the form you need this style checkbox or as a module that you import:
from anvil import *
def indeterminate(self):
return self._indeterminate
def indeterminate(self,value):
js.call_js('indeterminate', self, value)
self._indeterminate = value
CheckBox.indeterminate = indeterminate
CheckBox._indeterminate = False
Then in native libraries
function indeterminate(self, value) {
self = self.v._anvil.element
self.find('input[type=checkbox]').prop("indeterminate", value);
Here’s a clone link
If you add this code to the change event you can cycle through the states :
def check_box_cycle(self, cb):
if cb:
if cb.indeterminate:
cb.indeterminate = False
cb.checked = False
if not cb.checked:
cb.indeterminate = True
def check_box_1_change(self, **event_args):
def check_box_2_change(self, **event_args):
def check_box_3_change(self, **event_args):
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This was my use case - which I’ve added to the clone:
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This intrigued me :
I’ve not analysed that yet, but I assume that gets you close to the element you are searching for, rather than having to put your own markers in the HTML?
Ah, I see, a “some selected”. I was thinking down a different track.
I’ve not analysed that yet, but I assume that gets you close to the element you are searching for, rather than having to put your own markers in the HTML?
absolutely - it’s a skulpt syntax
when you send an anvil component to javascript you get a skulpt object
the path v._anvil.element
is the jquery object associated with that anvil component.
Removes the need for unique identifiers.
I wrote about it here:
Select specific component with javascript
And used the same idea for the tabulator and some other addons:
Tabulator Javascript Datagrid Integration - #9 by stucork
Implementing Popovers (floating forms)
AnvilAugment: Hover, Focus, Key Bindings Dependency
Split this topic
May 25, 2021, 12:18am
3 posts were split to a new topic: Events on pagination buttons