Grouping graph object plots behave differently on server vs client


I am trying to get the years on the x-axis grouped for my graph object axis plot on the client side.
The thing is that the plot behaves differently on the Client side vs the Server side. I would like only the data I am passing to the bar chart to be plotted, not the empty data.

My data looks like this:

years_str = ['2021', '2025', '2030']
y_data = [1,2,3]

Here is my plot on the Client side. Note the display of the x-axis data from 2019 to 2032 with data available only for years 2021, 2025 and 2030.
Code for client side:

        years_str = ['2021', '2025', '2030']
        y_data = [1,2,3] = go.Bar(
                x = years_str,
                y = y_data,
                name = 'Bar Chart Example',

        self.client_go_plot.layout = {
            'xaxis': {'dtick': 1,}}

Here is my plot passing a figure from the Server side. The data is now grouped as I would like, showing only data for the three years.
Code for server side:

## Server module
import plotly.graph_objects as go

def create_fig():
    years_str = ['2021', '2025', '2030']
    y_data = [1,2,3]
    fig = go.Figure()
    fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=years_str, y=y_data, width=0.25, name = 'Bar Chart Example',))
    return fig

## Client module
import plotly.graph_objects as go

class server_go_plot(server_go_plotTemplate):
    def __init__(self, **properties):
        # Set Form properties and Data Bindings.

    def plotly_go_plot(self):
        fig ='create_fig') 
        self.server_go_plot.figure = fig

How can I get the same result on the Client code as with the server code? The recommended way to make plots in Anvil is to use Anvil’s Plot component.
Anvil Docs | Making plots. But now I have to use the server side plot because of the different behavior. Any ideas?

Anvil clone link:

Add this in the module scope

Plot.templates.default = "plotly"

the server version of plotly has a default template of "plotly",
and when you return the figure from the server,
the figure comes back with the template instantiated and injected into the figure.

On the client there is no default theme.
So adding the above fixes that.

This was mostly for backwards compatibility.
Theme support on the client was added much later than client side plotly was introduced.

Note you can also do this on a per plot basis

self.plot_1.layout.template = "plotly"
# valid values
# "plotly" | "plotly_white" | "plotly_dark" |
# "presentation" | "ggplot2" | "seaborn" | "simple_white" | 
# "gridon" | "xgridoff" | "ygridoff" | 
# "rally" | "material_light" | "material_dark"


I tried these templates out and the ones that work are:

The rest of the themes gives the divided output.

Is this a bug or intended behavior?

not a bug - we only wrote the last 3 themes
the rest of the themes are written by the plotly authors and that’s just the way they are
seaborn and simple_white also have the bar grouping as you prefer

looks like you can fix this with the other themes by adding the layout property

self.plot_1.layout.autotypenumbers = "strict"

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