Anvil Reference Docs - new and improved!

Hi Anvilistas! This weekend saw the launch of our new, improved reference docs:

Here’s what’s changed.

New look

The docs are now rather easy on the eyes!

New structure

The layout of the sections is now more closely mapped to Anvil’s featureset - if there’s something you want to do, it will be easier to browse to find it using the nav tree.

We’ve also moved to having one topic per page, with an on-page nav. That makes it easier to see where you are and get a feel for what’s involved in each topic.

New and improved content (including Keyboard Shortcuts!)

We’ve added some new sections including The Anvil Editor and Keyboard Shortcuts (by popular demand).

We’ve also rewritten some sections.

Server and client-side code styles

Server and client -side code examples are now distinguished by a coloured bar. Server code has an orange bar:

and client code has a blue bar:

code that falls under either category (or neither) has a grey bar:

See that arrow in the top-right of the code block? Hovering your mouse over code blocks expands them horizontally so you can see long lines.


Each section now has a quickstart that takes you through a minimal set of steps to get going with a feature. Each quickstart will only take you a couple of minutes. Sometimes you just want to see the basic usage to get a feel for how something works!

API Reference

We now have an API reference that lists:

  • the Python modules that Anvil provides
  • their classes, functions, global variables and exceptions
  • the properties, events, attributes, methods (etc.) that each of those things exposes.

For a full list of component properties and events, see the API docs for the anvil module:

How-to guides and component library

The “Cookbook” articles that were previously on the website are now in a How-To Guides section of the docs. (Some, such as how to set up your DNS for a custom domain, fit better in the main ref docs.)

There is also a Component Library containing a few free components that you can clone and use with your apps. These are Anvil apps that you can add as dependencies.


Awesome upgrade, looks great! The text is much more readable now. I really like the color scheme you’ve added for separating client from server code.

One feature request: I’d like to be able to find the same content I’ve previously found, again. E.g., if I search on “any_of” - looking for the section on querying tables using the table query syntax, I would like for the auto-complete section to preview the pages that include the “any_of” search term and the surrounding content to help me decide which page I want to read.

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