Anvil PDF: page numbers?


I am trying to create a multi page pdf out of the result of a database query. From the nice turorial I sort of understand how to do this. However, my idea would be to include page numbering. Is there a way of doing that with anvil.pdf? I haven’t found this possibility in the tutorial.

Or do I have to use another library, such as reportlab?

So far, I have checked the documentation and the forum.

Any hint very welcome!

Kind regards,


Hi @frvi2 and welcome to the forum,

I can’t think that there is an easy way to do this with the anvil.pdf renderer.

I think you might want to generate your pdf using the render method and then use another pdf library from the list of packages to overlay page numbers.

There are some solutions if you scour the web for

add page numbers to pdf in python

The libraries suggested are very likely to already be in the above list of packages.

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Hi @stucork

Thanks for your response. I will try as directed by you.
