A fully functioning messaging service

Hey everyone! I just created a fully working messaging service by which you can chat with people. The other person receives the messages instantly. It is just another feature of the main app I’m building but I created a clone of only the specific messaging part which you can use in your app. Open the app in two separate tabs making sure that the sender from one tab is receiver from other. Then chat with yourself to test it out. The designing is done for mobile devices. https://anvil.works/build#clone:BV5HCYPIM3XMOVVA=IDRQJIBLUZPC7PPLENE5WSIU

Looks like the app has dependencies. You’ll need to update your clone link for others to use it successfully


Thanks. Is it working now?

I got this error:

AnvilWrappedError: Row update failed: Column ‘Susan’ does not exist and automatic column creation is disabled.at , line 1called from [Chat, line 21](javascript:void(0))called from [Inbox_copy, line 27](javascript:void(0))

You’ll have to enable auto create columns