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Connecting Azure to Anvil

For advanced use of Anvil’s Microsoft integration, you need to let Microsoft Azure know about your app.

If you want to do either of these things:

You need to tweak some settings in the Azure Portal so that Anvil can identify your Azure account.

Create an Active Directory in Azure

If you already have an Azure Active Directory resource, you can skip this step.

Sign in to the Azure Portal and click ‘Create a Resource’. Create a resource of type ‘Azure Active Directory’.

Azure Portal showing the navbar on the left with Create A Resource circled in red. The main part of the page shows an Active Directory resource being created.

You will need to fill in an Organization Name and Domain Name for your resource.

Create an App Registration

Once your Azure Active Directory resource has finished creating, you can create an App Registration within it:

Azure Portal showing the screen for one Active Directory. The App Registrations menu item is circled in red, and the New Registration button is circled in red.

Click on the New Registration button to get this form:

Azure Portal's app registration creation form. You can enter a name and select which category of users can log in to this app. You can also specify an OAuth redirect URI.

An App Registration represents Azure’s knowledge of your Anvil App. Name it whatever you like - it does not need to be the same as the name of your Anvil App.

You have three options for who can access your app. You can restrict access to users in:

  1. this Active Directory only,
  2. in any Active Directory, or
  3. all Microsoft accounts, including Office 365 and Skype accounts.

You can use any of these options with Anvil.

In the Redirect URI field, enter You can add this later if you forget at this stage.

You will see an overview screen with an ‘Application (client) ID’ and a ‘Directory (tenant) ID’. Make a note of each of these.

Azure Portal's app registration overview. There are two relevant GUIDs: one marked 'Application (client) ID', and another marked 'Directory (tenant) id'.

Create a Client Secret

Now click on Certificates and Secrets and click New Client Secret. This will create a secret that enables a secure connection between Anvil and Azure. Copy it now - it will not be available in full after you browse away from this page.

Azure Portal's app registration Certificates and Secrets view. The Certificates and Secrets menu item and the New Client Secret button are both circled in red.

Copy the relevant IDs into Anvil

Open your Anvil app and click the blue plus button Add button sidebar menu in the in the Sidebar Menu .

You’ll see a list of available services and integrations. Click on Microsoft API Microsoft API Icon.

Services list with Microsoft highlighted

Open your Anvil app in the Anvil Editor and enable the Microsoft API under ‘Services’.

App Browser showing the plus next to Services

You’ll see the view shown in the image below.

Check the box marked ‘Link to your own Azure app’. Some fields will appear that allow you to enter the IDs from the previous step.

In the box marked ‘Enter Application ID’, enter the ‘Application (client) ID’ from the previous step.

In the box marked ‘Enter Tenant ID’, enter the ‘Directory (tenant) ID’ from the previous step.

Select ‘Multi-tenant’ if you chose options 2 or 3 in the list above (allowing access to accounts in any Active Directory, or all Microsoft accounts). In this case you do not need to enter a Tenant ID.

Once you’ve entered the correct values, you’re done! Time to test it works.

Anvil's Microsoft API Service config view. There is a 'link to your own Azure App' checkbox, which is checked. There are boxed for Application ID, Application Client Secret, and Tenant ID. These have the relevant keys copied in from Azure.

Anvil's Microsoft API Service config view. There is a 'link to your own Azure App' checkbox, which is checked. There are boxed for Application ID, Application Client Secret, and Tenant ID. These have the relevant keys copied in from Azure.

Test that it works

To check it works, go to the Code view for Form1. Add these lines to the __init__ method:

If everything is working, you should successfully get an access token.

This checks that your Anvil app is successfully linked to your Azure app - if it were not linked, Azure would not provide an access token.

Next up

Access a Microsoft Azure API

Now you have your Anvil app set up to connect your Azure tenant, you can access a whole universe of Microsoft APIs. Read Accessing Microsoft Azure APIs to see how (you’re most of the way there already).

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