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Canvas Canvas Toolbox icon

Properties | Events

Canvas components allow you to draw graphics on your form. They are ideal for animations and visualisations.

Drag and drop onto your Form, or create one in code with the Canvas constructor:

c = Canvas()
A picture of a wombat with the cursor moving slowly over it. A circle in centred on the cursor position and inside the circle, the image is magnified.

An image zooming widget created using a Canvas.

To draw to a Canvas, the Canvas must already be rendered to the page. So if you want to draw to a Canvas on page load, run your code in the Form’s show event handler, rather than its __init__ method.

Path drawing

You can draw lines, arcs and circles with the methods described below. You will need to draw your shapes inside the reset event handler of the Canvas component.

Use move_to to define your start position. Then use line_to to draw straight lines, or arc to draw circles and parts of circles. Before drawing, you must run begin_path, and when you’ve finished drawing you must run close_path. Then run stroke to commit your path to the Canvas.

See Colours, styles and fonts to see how to change line/fill colour, style and shape.

  # Draw an outlined triangle
  def canvas_1_reset(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the Canvas is shown on the screen"""
    c = self.canvas_1
    c.stroke_style = "#2196F3"
    c.line_width = 3
    c.fill_style = "#E0E0E0"
A right-angle triangle with blue outline and grey interior, drawn using the Canvas code above.

The triangle drawn by the code above.


Tells the canvas that you are about to start drawing a shape.


Connects the most recent edge of the shape to the start point, closing the path.


Fills the shape you have drawn in the current fill_style.


Draws the outline of the shape you have defined in the current stroke_style.


Clips all subsequent drawing operations to the defined shape.

move_to(x, y)

Move to position (x, y) without drawing anything, ready to start the next edge of the current shape. The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

line_to(x, y)

Draw a line to position (x, y). The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

arc(x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, anticlockwise)

Draw an arc to position (x, y) with the specified radius. The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

Drawing rectangles

To draw rectangles, you can use fill_rect to draw a filled rectangle, stroke_rect to draw a rectangle outline, and clear_rect to clear an empty space.

You must set the stroke_style and fill_style first.

See Colours, styles and fonts to see how to change line/fill colour, style and shape.

  def canvas_1_reset(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the Canvas is shown on the screen"""
    c = self.canvas_1
    # Set the stroke and fill styles
    c.stroke_style = "#2196F3"
    c.line_width = 3
    c.fill_style = "#E0E0E0"
    # Draw a filled rectangle  
    c.fill_rect(100, 100, 50, 75)
    # Draw a rectangle outline 25 pixels right of it
    c.stroke_rect(125, 100, 50, 75)
    # Remove colour from a smaller rectangle
    c.clear_rect(120, 125, 20, 30)
A grey rectangle, with a blue rectangle outline on top and to the right, with a white rectangle in the centre on top of both.

The rectangles drawn by the code above.

clear_rect(x, y, width, height)

Clears a rectangle The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

fill_rect(x, y, width, height)

Fills a rectangle with the current fill_style. The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

stroke_rect(x, y, width, height)

Draws the outline of a rectangle with the current stroke_style. The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

Drawing an image

You can draw images and parts of images onto your Canvas.

  def canvas_1_reset(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the Canvas is shown on the screen"""
    c = self.canvas_1
    # Get the image as a Media object
    image_media = anvil.URLMedia('')
    # Draw the image at position (100,100)
    c.draw_image(image_media, 100, 100)
    # Draw a 100x100 patch from this image,
    # Starting at pixel (50, 50) on the image,
    # at position (25, 25) on the canvas,
    # at half scale (50x50)
                      50, 50, 100, 100,
                      25, 25, 50, 50)
Two images of cogwheels drawn on a Canvas. One of them is a section from the other, at half scale.

The images drawn by the code above.

draw_image(image_media, [x], [y], [width], [height])

Draw an image (represented by a Media object) at position (x,y). Optionally specify width and height. If (x,y) is not specified, draws at (0,0). The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

draw_image(image_media, sx, sy, s_width, s_height, dx, dy, d_width, d_height)

Draw a part of an image (specifically the s_widthxs_height rectangle whose top-left corner is at (sx,sy)) into a d_widthxd_height rectangle whose top-left corner is at (dx,dy)).

Writing text

You can write text to your canvas.

See Colours, styles and fonts to see how to change font and alignment.

  def canvas_1_reset(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the Canvas is shown on the screen"""
    c = self.canvas_1
    c.stroke_style = "#2196F3"
    c.line_width = 1
    c.fill_style = "#E0E0E0"
    c.font = '36px montserrat'
    # Draw an image at position (100,100)
    c.fill_text('Fill Text', 100, 100)
    c.stroke_text('Stroke Text', 100, 150)
Grey text saying 'Fill text' and blue-outlined text saying 'Stroke text', drawn using the Canvas code above.

The text written by the code above.

fill_text(text, x, y)

Renders the string text at position (x, y). The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

stroke_text(text, x, y)

Renders an outline of the string text at position (x, y). The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.


Returns the width, in pixels, of the string text as it would be if rendered on the canvas in the current font.

Transformation methods

A transform rotates, translates, or scales what you draw onto the canvas. You apply it before drawing, and once applied, everything you draw will be transformed. You can go back to using no transform using reset_transform.

  def draw_triangle(self):
    # The triangle drawing code from the 'Path drawing' section
    # ... <omitted for brevity> ...
  def canvas_1_reset(self, **event_args):
    # Draw the triangle
    # Transform the Canvas to half the scale
    self.canvas_1.scale(0.5, 0.5)    
    # Draw the triangle in the new scale
Two of the triangles the example in the 'Path drawing' section creates, but one is half the size and at half the x,y position.

The triangles drawn by the above code.

translate(x, y)

Updates the current transform so that all subsequent drawing commands are offset by (x, y) pixels. The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.


Updates the current transform so that all subsequent drawing commands are rotated by angle radians.

scale(x, y)

Updates the current transform so that all subsequent drawing commands are scaled by a factor of (x, y). The (x,y) coordinates are calculated with reference to the top-left corner of the Canvas.

transform(a, b, c, d, e, f)

Applies the given transformation matrix to the current transform.

set_transform(a, b, c, d, e, f)

Sets the current transform to the matrix provided.


Records any transformations applied to the current canvas. This is added to the top of a stack of saved canvas states, so that it can be restored later.


Restores any saved transformations. Pops the most recent saved canvas state from the stack and applies it to the canvas. If the stack is empty, this method does nothing.


Resets the current transform to the identity matrix.

Saving your canvas as an image

When you’ve drawn something on your canvas, you can get the contents of your canvas as a Media object by calling get_image(). You can then display this image in an Image component, or upload it to Google Drive.

img = self.canvas_1.get_image()

self.image_1.source = img

f =


For more details, see the Media object documentation.

Colours, styles and fonts


There are several ways to specify colours on a Canvas. You can give a hexadecimal colour in the form "#RRGGBB" (where "#FF0000" would be bright red), or specify red, green, blue and alpha values separately: "rgba(255,0,0,1)". It is also possible to specify gradients and patterns - see HTML5 Canvas Docs for details.

Stroke and fill colour attributes


The colour of lines drawn on the canvas.


The colour of solid fill on the canvas.

Shadow attributes


How far shadows should be displaced from drawn shapes (in x direction).


How far shadows should be displaced from drawn shapes (in y direction).


Blur amount, in pixels, for shadows.


The colour of shadows.

Line attributes


The width of the line in pixels.


The style of line ends. Takes one of these string values:

Three line_cap styles

line_cap styles


The style of line joins. Takes one of these string values:

Three line_join styles: round, bevel, miter

line_join styles


Used to prevent miter corners from extending too far.

Text attributes


The font to use when rendering text.

 self.canvas1.font = "10px sans-serif"


How text should be aligned horizontally. Can be any of start, end, left, right, and center.


How text should be aligned vertically. One of top, hanging, middle, alphabetic, ideographic and bottom.

Get Canvas width


Returns the width of the canvas, in pixels


Returns the width of the canvas, in pixels

Reset Canvas after resize


Should be called after manually changing the width or height of the canvas. Used to trigger a redraw via the reset event handler.

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