What Are You Building?

What are you building with Anvil? Show us what you’ve done, or tell us your plans!

Whether it’s a commercial product, a five-minute demo, or just a gleam in your eye, this is the forum to share it.

If you are specifically requesting constructive feedback, mention this in your post. Be kind and considerate about other people’s work.


Hi…Im glad to come across Anvil, I was looking into AWS or DOcean to go about my ’ gleam in the eye’ NLP sentiment project and not having a strong server experience background was becoming very daunting. Im a hobbyist so definitely just doing this for fun, I picked up python 3+ to create a program but after I finished I couldnt get out of doing local Appmode pseudo-requests. So tnx again Anvil.

So Im using Anvil to make a web app for a Book/author NLP sentiment program created with Python 3.5

Will share advances…

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Sounds really interesting AJ. How have you found anvil and NLP? Do you have any work in progress to share with your web app?

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How’s your program coming along?

Hey all.

Just came across anvil and I’m astounded by how refined this is.
I’m a geologist also majoring in GIS (spatial data)
I’ve been working on an automation system via jupyter to identify and narrow down potential geological hotspots with arcPy.

One of the main issues I came across was usability. This platform provides the potential key to my project.

If anyone’s curious about my project. Or have any ideas. I’d love to discuss privately. There are still a few hurdles I need to jump and wonder if it’s possible.

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Good day everyone, I am currently trying to build an interactive programming and data science game to educate students digital and data literacy. I managed to code a prototype; however, there is a room for improvement in terms of efficiency.

Would be happy if anyone is able to give me advice on what type of code should be on the server and client side as currently everything is on the client side.

Furthermore, if anyone is willing to examine my code and give valuable, I am happy to collaborate with you privately or on this forum.

Thank you

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Today I release the first project, a mobile Stock-taking application, to my logistics management team and I am happy to share my experience. My app is very tightly tied to our backend databases, so I am unable to show it here. But I can tell what features of anvil/python I have used in this project. These features are just a few liners of Python code thanks to the well thought-out Anvil infrastructure. They are very elegant and easy to debug. Although I spent a lot of time reading Anvil and Python references I am sure I can copy the features to other apps. So the following are the features that I like:

  1. Maintain data in Python dictionaries and lists. I extracted sample data in JSON from the back-end database, and directly place it as dictionary lists in a server “SampleData” file. I can use this sample data to design the UI before I knew how to connect with the backend databases.

  2. The connection to the backend databases using REST API is so simple:

result = anvil.http.request(url=url, method=“GET”, json=True, headers=QLM.getRequestHeaders())
except anvil.http.HttpError as e:

I get the result as dictionary lists which can be used directly assigned to a repeating panel, without having to convert it. Similarly dictionary lists with the right structure can be posted to the backend without needing much manipulation.

  1. The stock items are not uniform in their stock-counting methods. Some can be counted in integers, some have bulk measure which decimals would be more convenient. One requires taking ultrasound meter reading to be interpreted at a backend database and then getting feedback. Python allows implementing the logics for differing cases so that app users are guided to take the right data.

  2. I use two repeating panels to present a two-level data tree, and after some experiments have been able to use set_event_handler, raise_event and raise_event_on_children to show the opening and closing of the sub-lists.

  3. I have got the javascript QR scanner to work although I have not implemented it in this first version of the app.

  4. I use cookie to store some rarely-changed parameters. And because it an in-house app, I simplify the user authentication process by doing this:

a) Getting the app URL from the “Publish” panel;
b) concatenate an encrypted Id to the URL as a hash parameter, and produces a QR code on the backend UI. Encryption is by simple custom method which I figure not worth the effort of hackers.
c) Let the user scan the QR code to open the app and add to home screen.
d) In the app, use URL_hash to retrieve the encrypted Id and decrypt it. Use the decrypted Id to tell the backend database that the user is connected and hide the QR. So each user is identified and assigned the stock-counting tasks accordingly.

  1. Testing and debugging the app is easy and does not require me to manually refresh anything.

So to conclude, so far I have not found obstacles that cannot be overcome. I enjoy using Anvil and want to thank the Anvil Team for such great platform!

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I am building a place where self-learns can do real data analytics projects and earn money in the process. https://missingvalue.co

Anvil starts here https://app.missingvalue.co.

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I’m going to build a personal portal of my web scraping projects using Scrapy.

I’m still learning and I’m actually not sure if my idea is even possible.

But I’ll share my progress here.

And hope to learn and get help from this community. :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Tell me what you think about the app