Warning: No method "form_show" in form anvil.WithLayout: cannot set the 'show' event handler of self


In the designer when using the Layout I sometimes get the below error message. I cant remove the form_show call from the form because I don’t know where I can find it? My layout form has the name “Homepage” and none of the derived forms have this name.

Warning: No method "form_show" in form anvil.WithLayout: cannot set the 'show' event handler of self.


Thanks @p.colbert

I checked all my forms and all that doesn’t need a form_show event handler has it removed.
This seems like a different error. The error refers to the form anvil.WithLayout.

I don’t have any such form.

@stucork is this a bug in the Layouts?

I believe this is a bug. I downloaded all the code and can find no reference at all to anvil.WithLayout.

Hi - yes i can reproduce this and can confirm it’s a bug

moved to bug reports