Unable to build custom package - timeout error

What I’m trying to do:
Trying to use Python 3.10(Beta) and install custom packages (say spacy-transformers)
the build keeps throwing timeout error

Installing collected packages: wasabi, tokenizers, cymem, typing-extensions, typer, tqdm, spacy-loggers, spacy-legacy, spacy-alignments, smart-open, regex, murmurhash, langcodes, filelock, catalogue, blis, torch, srsly, pydantic, preshed, pathy, huggingface-hub, deep-translator, transformers, thinc, spacy, spacy-transformers

Error: Failed to build image (timeout after 120000 ms)

What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
Tried using different base packages, no luck.
For my app, I would require install lot more packages.

Appreciate any inputs/help.

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# this is a formatted code snippet.
# paste your code between ``` 

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Welcome to the forum. I know the install packages thing is a new feature to anvil, and I know you said you tried other packages besides spacy-transformers, but specifically for spacy-transformers it looks like they already added it to anvil? (Not sure if it is the most updated version I think it’s 1.1.2 and the newest is 1.1.8 ).

A list of already installed full python interpreter packages can be found here:

Also on the same page:

So if custom packages are not working for you because of a timeout or just the general size of what you are trying to install, you could contact anvil support, they are very quick to respond.

Thanks for the time and the response.
I am looking for spacy german model NLP, this requires some installations that are not part of the currently supported ones.
Since I only need these for the one time data setup (as of now), I am proceeding using local Jupyter Notebook with Anvil Uplink approach.
As suggested, I have also written to support@anvil.works - awaiting response.


I’ll write as well, I have issues with ffmpeg-python which is not supported on python 3.10

Any update on this? Did you all get a response from Anvil?