What I’m trying to do:
Trying to use Python 3.10(Beta) and install custom packages (say spacy-transformers)
the build keeps throwing timeout error
Installing collected packages: wasabi, tokenizers, cymem, typing-extensions, typer, tqdm, spacy-loggers, spacy-legacy, spacy-alignments, smart-open, regex, murmurhash, langcodes, filelock, catalogue, blis, torch, srsly, pydantic, preshed, pathy, huggingface-hub, deep-translator, transformers, thinc, spacy, spacy-transformers
Error: Failed to build image (timeout after 120000 ms)
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
Tried using different base packages, no luck.
For my app, I would require install lot more packages.
Appreciate any inputs/help.
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