Toggle Switch Demo (Custom HTML)

Version History :
v0.2 - fixed CSS so non-toggleswitch checkboxes were not affected by the pseudo-classes.
v0.5 - now has square and rounded switches.
v0.6 - now a custom component!

Here’s a demo of an animated toggle switch, made using CSS & custom HTML forms and wrapped around with a demo project.



To use it you can drag the “Toggleswitch” form onto your project form. Hopefully the demo project will show you most of the functionality.

Try it here :

Clone it from here :


Open to improvements … :slight_smile:

Keep an eye on the version numbers in the revision history in the original post.
If your cloned demo project form disagrees with it then please re-clone.

Thanks bud! This is sweet.

Please re-clone : now at v0.6 (custom component).

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Hmm, I’m having trouble getting this to work. I have it as a dependency and the custom component shows up in the design IDE. But when I add one to the form and run the app, it just displays as a normal checkbox. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

sorry I’m away on holiday until 3rd September.

If no one else can help you by then I’ll jump on it on my return.

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Sharing the app (if possible) may help others to assist more easily.

Right, thanks. Here’s a simple app that reproduces the problem:

All I did was add an unchanged clone of the Toggle Switch Demo v0.6 above as a dependency, and then drag a Toggleswitch custom component onto the form.

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Okay, I think you just needed to add David’s CSS and HTML assets.

I added them and I get the nicely styled toggle switch and output that likely means it is working.

Clone to demonstrate (note that you may have to adjust your dependency name to match):

I hope this helps.

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Ok, I see. Thanks so much! That fixes it for me.

But doesn’t it seem like custom components shouldn’t require this manual copying of assets? The custom css I can see, I guess, but the custom component itself is a custom html form, so it seems odd that I would need to manually copy that html file to use it, no? Would this make sense as a feature request?

@shaun may be able to answer that and the related questions.

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In an unrelated issue, I was surprised that setting the “checked” property programmatically would trigger the “x_change” event the same way that clicking on the toggle does. That is not how plain checkboxes behave. So I changed that to the behavior I expected by editing the following method of the Toggleswitch class, commenting out the line that triggers the event when “checked” is set programmatically:

  def checked(self,value):
    if type(value) is bool: