Tabulator header right align

Question: why won’t ,‘headerHozAlign’ : ‘right’ (from How to center align the title in a header cell · Issue #1127 · olifolkerd/tabulator · GitHub) work for my columns headers in Anvil Tabulator? I was able to get ‘headerSort’: False working just fine, but now I can’t figure out how to right-align my headers to be in-line with my data! thank you!

Looking at the discussion thread it requires tabulator 4.8+. The tabulator dependency uses 4.6.x.

Feel free to raise an issue at the GitHub to request a version update. For now you can use the css solutions suggested in that thread.

GitHub - anvilistas/tabulator: Anvil Wrapper for Tabulator

(p.s. might be worth changing your username)

thank you for the quick reply! sorry you don’t like my username :slight_smile:

editing css in Anvil still intimidates me - I am pretty pure python guy. can you give me a hint in the right direction for even accessing the css* behind tabulator? I would love to get there as I would like to change basic things like font size, etc… also - when I have more than one tabulator in Anvil my Design can take more than a minute to load - is there a way to make the dependency local* vs external* or some other smart way to fix that?

You can add the css to your theme.css. In the GitHub thread you linked to there were example solutions that were css. It’ll probably just be a case of picking one and pasting it into theme.css. Otherwise - do raise an issue at GitHub (The url I linked to above).

The sentence isn’t totally clear to me. Does it mean in the Anvil Designer?
You’d probably need to provide a clone link to demonstrate this behaviour, create a separate thread (it’s a new question) and/or create an issue at the GitHub page above.