[SOLVED] Import .py into IDE

I know I know I know I’m asking for too much, but here’s the request:

I want to be able to manually edit my app code, and then at least have an attempt at reloading it into the IDE and seeing if it will run. Currently we can only import the .yaml, which is basically a glorified JSON variable map, and not very useful…

Yes I know you have to setup code testing and sandbox servers and it IS a lot of work I know. But you guys are the best! And nobody knows the code better than you! You can do the thing!

I’m not sure I follow?

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Not sure I follow either, but you can use GIT to clone your app, modify it locally, then push the new code for editing/running in the IDE.

Is that what you mean?

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Yes that’s exactly what I wanted, @stucork can close this I think