Sneaky Anvil Updates

User Feedback is such a valuable thing in development but if you release updates that are not hugely publicised, you miss out on some of that feedback.

Given that the Anvil Team is so good at releasing these sneaky updates, I thought I would create a post that anyone can update with new features they see and some feedback on it as a way of letting Anvil know that we the community have seen it and appreciate it.

This also lets others know what is new they may not have noticed.
Please feel free to add.

  1. The dotted vertical lines in code showing indentation levels… Love it! Simple and effective.

@rickhurlbatt Nice Idea!

  1. Anvil Apps are now installable as progressive Web Apps:

Love the path, I’m excited what more PWA features will follow!
Cudos to the Anvil Team!


Hi - can you tell me where to find that?

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If I remember correctly, in Chrome, under Windows 10, it’s “Create Shortcut” below.

So far, I haven’t seen that in Firefox or Edge.

  1. Tab indentations used to be made up of two consecutive spaces but not are essentially one double width space.
  1. For custom components, it’s now possible to categorize (and order?) the properties in the sidebar of the designer view (by editing the .yaml file), as demonstrated by the Anvil Extras slider, for instance.

This post from @stefano.menci

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strptime on the client



Instant custom domain configuration and redirection.

It used to be done within 24 hours but now seems to be instant!!


I looooove that! (Plus extra characters)

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I recently changed a custom domain on an app, which still takes a bit, but it mostly seems to work very quickly for new ones.

*Note: This sentence was changed three times by Grammarly, who apparently thinks my writing is unclear…


Not sure if this was an update… Seems like custom component properties got some new types…


Is something “sneaky” if it was in the newsletter?

  • DataGrids are now responsive: Make your tables wrap easily on mobile devices with the new wrap_on property

  • Expanding FlowPanels: Want to use FlowPanels, but make components expand into all horizontal space? Use the new expand layout property.

  • Datetime improvements: We’ve brought better date and time support to client code, including strptime

  • Style your alerts with CSS using the new role argument to the alert() function


I wouldn’t say sneaky, but I don’t check my email that much, and would like to see this information published to the main channel of announcements, or different channel.


Whereas I have a different account for each of my clients, can’t remember which ones I’ve requested the emails be disabled and get “ahem” copies of the newsletters!


Although to be honest, I don’t think I have ever received an email from Anvil until this September. Been here for more than 4 months

Here is my pleasant surprise of the day.

In the past, when a databinding expression failed, it used to be just that: a failure. Anvil wouldn’t tell you what failed or why. I sometimes didn’t even use databinding because it was difficult to debug.

Now there are nice diagnostics telling you which databinding of which control failed.
And you can even click on it and the form appears.
And the control is selected.
And the focus is on the databinding.