How to make the dropdown component enable the user to start writing on it with an auto-complete feature, there is an app in the forum with this feature by @navigate:
for text box input, but, I can’t do that with the dropdown component, because it only allows selection not writing.
Any suggestion?
But I just can’t figure out how to edit how results are displayed.
Searching is great, I found out how to search throught multiple data table columns etc.:
This is what it does when I select result:
But maybe because it uses external library “Search Hints” I can’t figure out how to achieve this, I need the result in the same field, beacuase it is part of form to get t-shirt quote (I can publish all app if needed):
If somebody could point me in a right direction, it could be great.
If so, you can modify the set_result function in the “Search Hints” app, like this:
def set_result(self, result, **event_args):
"""Set the result in the result box."""
self.raise_event('x-search-hints-result', result=result)
self.repeating_panel_results.items = []
self.text_box_search.text=result # modification to send result to the search box (i.e., the TextBox component)
You always have access to the result that is displayed at the bottom (“Selected Tool: X”), but certainly if you do not want it to show up there, you can remove those components altogether, and still keep track of the result.
For example, if you want to keep track of the selected result, you can always stick it on a tag somewhere, like the following which saves the result to a tag (it is also being printed out just for clarity):
I did this by modifying the update_result_label function in the main app (I’ve renamed it to save_current_result), as follows:
# was originally named "update_result_label"
def save_current_result(self, result, **event_args):
"""Set the result label on this Form to the selected search result."""
self.search_hints_1.tag.my_new_result=result # saving the result by "sticking" it to a component
#self.label_result.text = result
I am not certain that this is what you are trying to accomplish, so please clarify if that is the case.