What I’m trying to do:
Replace Save and Cancel buttons on alert with several data fields and save data to a table using my own buttons so that I can validate the form data
What I’ve tried and what’s not working:
using buttons =[] but how do I link my new Save button to save the data fields to a table
Looked at Clone of Alerts Demo Anvil | Login and tried
to adapt it to save more than one field
You can put a form of your own into an alert as the content. That form can have buttons on it so that you can validate/save to a data table before closing the alert.
Here’s a clone link showing the technique: Anvil | Login
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@jshaffstall’s solution is the most flexible and allows you to put whatever you like in the form.
If all you need are a few input fields, you can have a look at the input_box
cutom component.
Thank you that was really helpful and set me on the way
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