Plotly set plot borders and paper

Hey all,

I am currently trying to figure out how to better fit a plotly plot into a small card, without having lots of empty space around it.
This is what I currently have, with the paper colored in red and the plot background in blue for clarity:

What I want is to reduce the size of the red paper background to get the plot itself to fill out most of the panel.

The plot code:
def update_plot_maturity_times_3(self):
values, labels =‘calculate_mortgage_times_to_maturity’)

  trace0 = go.Bar(x=list(reversed(values)),y=list(reversed(labels)),orientation='h') = [trace0]
  self.plot_time_to_maturity.layout.barmode = 'relative'
  self.plot_time_to_maturity.layout.hovermode = 'closest'
  self.plot_time_to_maturity.config = dict(displayModeBar = False)
  self.plot_time_to_maturity.layout.plot_bgcolor = "steelblue"
  self.plot_time_to_maturity.layout.paper_bgcolor = "red"

Thank you all for your help!

Something like this is what I am looking to get:

there’s a margin property that might be helpful
plot.layout.margin = dict(t=10, b=10, l=0, r=0)

By default I think they are 80 or 100


Thanks a lot @stucork, that did the trick!

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