The form editor allows to drag column separator to set the widths of the columns and it allows to double click on them to reset it:
This works fine most of the times, but I was not able to set several forms forms with the same column widths. I had to clone, pull, change them and push.
On the editor they looked close enough, but at runtime they looked different.
When I checked the pulled version I found out that the values were different in different forms, something like:
col_widths: '{"SSVUUP":40,"ZMTJHP":2}'
col_widths: '{"XOWKLN":3,"ABITGU":57}'
I changed the values in the editor, and now it works well:
col_widths: '{"SSVUUP":80,"ZMTJHP":2}'
col_widths: '{"XOWKLN":4,"ABITGU":80}'
I would like to expose the column widths on the properties area, something like this: